Chapter 52- Peaceful Serene Brutality

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Authors Note:

Dear peoples of wattpad,

I has an announcement to make. These past few chapters have been super dramatic but I assure you that that is because of a reason. Gun shots, brothers, surgeries, you name it, it happened somewhere in these chapters. As you know, Kaleb was meant to shoot Katrina and James tried to take down Kaleb and missed. I wanted to make that clear and to say that everything has been happening for reasons. *devious smile*

I love you all and am so grateful for the support you all show. This chapter will be dedicated to SusanPolichak because of the support she has shown me through compliments and just plain reading my book.

Now I know you all have been dying to know what happened so here it is. But don't get your hopes up...

Love, Ali

I let Kaleb drop to the ground and he fell with a bang. His face slammed against the tile with a smack. I slammed the door with my mind and then released my hold on Kaleb. He didn't scare me now. I think I was on like a high of over self confidence.

He sat up groggily and I immediately kicked him in the stomach, putting my hand over my wound where a sharp pain radiated. "That is for trying to shoot me!" I kicked him again," that's for showing your face after."

My wound began to hurt even worse. Now my hand felt warm where it over lapped the bandages on my side. I wiped my hand off on my pants but ignored the red smudge that I left. I ignored the pain that kicking Kaleb gave me, and focused on the feeling of redemption I got when my foot slammed into his ribs.

He coughed and squirmed as Kathy pulled me back. I kicked around, hating being restricted. She kept me back as best she could until the world began to get fuzzy. I started to see black splotches in my vision and felt my body meet the floor.

***three hours later***

I opened my eyes but found my self outside of my hospital room. It was dark and I heard a slow speedy beep. Then the pain hit. I felt like my skin was on fire. I knew this feeling.

I was back in surgery.

Once I realized where I was, the doctors started to panic. "What is happening!?!" One yelled. Then it hit me; I was starting to heal myself. But I was out before I knew it.

***few hours later***

"I know what I saw!" I awoke to a doctor yelling. "Sure you weren't drunk, Dr. God Complex!" I knew that it was Kathy; only Kathy would get in the face of a world class surgeon. "Your sister has something really messed up with her! She is like-"

Kathy slapped him," if you dare say that she is a.) possessed, b.) spawn of satan, or anything else along the lines of that I will unleash the wrath of the ten year old satan child on you and trust me, you will regret it."

I had never been so proud. I was smiling so wide at that moment. My sister knew what to say and when to say it. I watched from behind the glass window as Kathy mockingly saluted him and stomped away to... Derek.

Stubble was covering his jaw line and he looked tired as he spoke to my sister with Kyle in his arms. Kyle looked so cute he was like seven but relatively small. I was happy to see Derek but he looked so stressed. I almost felt bad.

I scanned the room, looking for signs of people around. No one. I was totally alone.

I can admit with no shame that it was fearful being in solitary. I wasn't alone when I was shot or harmed while truly alone but I felt exposed again. Like when I was younger and sometimes I would just feel like naked in public, well I felt naked just then.

The exposure wasn't painful or uncomfortable, it was just brutal. Yes, I was alone and relatively afraid but all the same, the way I felt was... Nice. It was a brutality that I had never felt before. It was filled it peace. Serene.

And in those moment of serene brutality, everything was okay. As jacked up and screwy as it was, all felt almost... Right.

I relaxed, finally, and let my eyes close, blacking out the world around me and inviting dreams.

They were short but there, brief but perplexing, small in length but amazing in many ways.

"Wake up..." Some one whispered to me. I smiled, recognizing the voice in all the beauty of what it was. Damian. I opened my eyes and blinked as he ran his fingers through my tangled hair. I felt a feeling that was new to me, unsure of what the emotion was.

Then he smashed his lips into mine.

Eyes open. That was pleasant, I thought. Eyes close.

"Wow... Your life..." She began with wide eyes," it...." Pause, switches to extremely serious face void of emotion," sucks." I smile at the her statement and all the sarcasm she contained.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Brinleigh." I smiled. beginning to walk forward with the her.

"That's because I'm amazing."

I smiled at Brinleigh, hypnotized by her ginormous blue eyes. He blonde hair blew across her pale face and was the a length that hit her tiny waist.

She smiled genuinely as we kept walking.

Eyes open.... Okay, I thought. I waited a moment. Eyes close.

"Either you talk...." Pause," or I kill the kid." I watched as Damian moved the aim of his gun from me to a child that I was unfamiliar with. I was inside my body but older so I felt emotion towards the child. As confusing and strange as the feelings were, I felt them.

"Tell me!" Damian yelled. "You'll find her at 427 Water Street," I said with absolutely no emotion in my voice. I didn't know the meaning of the words escaping my tongue and I didn't know who 'she' was but I knew it all. Somehow.

When my eyes finally blinked open, pulling me from my sleep, I kept hearing the words repeating.

You'll find her at 427 water street.

You'll find her at 427 water street.

IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEADМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя