Chapter 34- The Damian Thing Never Goes Away

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Me : No way, Rickey. That would like get you a death sentence.

Him: Nu uh. I mean, yes, I might get some jail time, but the world fears me so if I kill all the people involved in the Project, they wouldn't kill me.

Me: It's sad that you think like this.

Him: Ummm... Shuddup Kay.

Me: You shut up.

Him: What do you mean by that?

Me: What do you mean?

Him: I mean shuddup as in you should jokingly stick a sock in it, but you mean that I should litterally shut it. But then my point of, we aren't really talking comes into factor.

I tried to laugh but I couldn't. It was hard enough to talk.

Me: Hahahahaha. Don't judge, I just mastered sarcasm. I can't laugh yet.

Him: I just got put under heavy medication and almost died. I can even laugh.

Me: That was two weeks ago. And speaking of things in the past, this conversation will be in the past once I leave because I get to go talk to juvi boy.

Him: Eww... You mean that Daniel kid?

Me: His name is Damian, and not ewww....

Him: I hate it that you are happy. I am supposed to be your only friend and we are supposed to be depressed together.

Me: Is that why we talk to each other in separate rooms? I mean, normal people use phones but we don't even technically talk to each other.

Him: Oh go talk to David already.

Me: Damian!

Him: blah blah David, Dexter, no one gives a crap.

Me: Oh go be lonely, ya depressed, friendless, people scarer.

I didn't get a response except for a slight laugh. So I got up and left my room. It was a perfect way to start my morning and now I got to go see my juvi boy. I had only talked to him a few times but knowing about the Damian Thing changed my point of view.

He intrigued me. There was something  in the way he was. His eyes, his face, his voice, him. He seemed not to care but I could see caring and selflessness in his eyes. And don't get me wrong, he was cute. And I am not a goo-goo, mushy gushy, go all soft, fall in love, kind of girl.

So my escort came and brought me to the room. Not as many people were there today but I could spot Damian in a crowd. Something was off about him today.

As normal, my reaction was 'let me read his mind and then I don't have to hear about his problems' but then I remembered that I didn't want to just dig into his mind. I had dreams where he had to tell me things in his own time so I knew that I wasn't meant to go though his thoughts and what not.

I think he noticed that I was thinking before I sat down because when I was seated me gave me a drawn out, "Whaaat." "Nothing," I responded to Damian casually. He shook his head," You know that the point of all of this is to share you feeling and make friends?"

"No, I thought it was to meet delinquents and plan how to destroy the world." I laughed but then stopped quickly. He kept laughing but he didn't know what I was thinking. My mind had gone immediately to the Damian Thing.

I shuddered. What I knew of him clashed into what the reality was so much. Damian was light and always laughing. He wasn't hard and brutal. But I couldn't get the way his eyes looked out of my mind from the dream. It was the dream when he blew up the hospital, and it was one programmed to be true.

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