Chapter 27- Karma

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She didn't look that stunned when I pulled away my fist. "Haha..." Kennan laughed," Guess what Karrie? Karma is one damn bitch!" Karrie used to always say that when something involving "karma" would happen.

Karrie laughed a little but then was wincing in pain over her most likely broken nose. She cupped the blood that dripped down with her hand until she finally stood and got a tissue.

She then swiftly turned and slapped me across the face, so that she would leave a bruise like a punch would. "Karma is one damn bitch." Karrie smiled down at me. "Now before I go out there and say that I tripped and fell, smacking my face against the floor, do you mind explaining my now ruined nose?"

Keenan jumped in before I could get a word in," Do you mind explaining why bringing up you know who was necessary!" I chimed in,"You can say his name but if you do say his full name. Call him Benjamin." The others nodded in response.

"So I bring up, Benjamin, and I get punched in the nose? Why is that so bad?" Karrie said, still wincing in pain. "Because you didn't just bring up the kid that Katrina found dead in a river. And it wasn't just a friend but her best friend, like the only one who didn't ever call her cr..." Her voice trailed off.

"It's okay, Kee-ring, you can say crazy." I looked back at Karrie with Xander ready,"And what is so bad is that you didn't know Ben and none of you know what happened but I do because I found him, his note, and I can still access the human brain for one day after they die." Keenan gasped,"He had a note?"

"Shut up Keenan. I am speaking to Karrie now," I locked eyes on her and decided I would tell her in her mind. My eyes narrowed as I found the part of her brain that Xander needed to latch onto in order to speak to her.

"I went outside that morning and decided to go walking. I was only four but mom would let me walk alone sometimes. The only reason you know Ben was dead is because you were told that I found him but what no one else knows, even his parents, is that I went down to the creek because I saw something neon through the trees. I walked down and noticed it was a shirt.

"Then I saw that it was on a body, Ben's body. I ran terrified to him and dove into the water. I pulled him to the back and checked for breathing. I read his mind to know if I could resuscitate but he was dead to long. Then, I found, in the front of his brain, a memory that he wrote a note and left it in our tree house.

"So I ran to the tree house and found a note that said," Dear, Katrina, I am so glad that you were my friend but I couldn't take being pushed around. I am six and have a mom who always yells at me, a dad who hits me, and I am bullied at school. I just wanted all of this to be over. Don't tell my parents, just please find my body and say that you found me. I love you like a baby sister Kat.

Love, Benny.

"I found my friends body and his suicide note so that is why it is so bad that you brought him up. And you would also know that he had hit his head on a rock to make himself black out and then made it so he would land in the water and drown. That is why it is so bad. And yes karma is a damn bitch but I guess you two have that in common." She teared up a bit when I told her the story. Keenan just stood there confused and unaware of what I was doing. Finally, Karrie said," Sorry, little baby bitch fit. I didn't know. Well, I will see ya when I see ya. But umm... I was just trying to make it seem like you could talk to dead people didn't mean to make you tell that." She smiled and left.

Keenan picked me up again and swung me around in her arms. "I missed you Red!" She exclaimed. "I missed you too, Kee- Lime- Pie." I responded. "You two haven't changed attitude wise. So why did they lock ya up in here like a wacko?"

"Mom did it. Kathy couldn't stop her because she technically isn't my legal guardian. Now I am boxed up in her like a rodent. Depressing, huh?" Keenan smiled at me and then said," Well boo, I can't stay any longer cause I have a job. I will see ya when I see ya. Love ya baby Red." She kissed me on the forehead and then turned and walked away.

I really didn't mind having them leave; it was my parents coming back that bothered me. I simply decided to take matters into my own hands. I walked out of the door and found my parents and a new therapist.

"I am done for the day. I don't want to see you people so I am going now. What orderly is going to escort me to my room?" Mom looked like she was going to say something but was walking away too quickly.

I went back to the common room and sat back down in the usual couch with Rickey. He seemed sad but I couldn't read his expression. Then he looked over at me and began to cry. "They want to load me up with meds because I stabbed my mom and my mom wants to take me to court and sue the asylum for predictably teaching me violence through others violent actions.

"They could take me away again."

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