Chapter 48- Things You Don't Expect Prt. 2

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My eyes slowly opened as the annoying beeping sound of a monitor pulled me from my slumber. I moaned in pain and with tiredness. And before I could even breath after moaning, some one was hovering over me. Wait... Scratch that. Lying by my side and hovering over me.

"Shh..." Who ever it was whispered and I was back to sleep.


It had taken a few hours but once I was awake I noticed the strangest thing. I remembered the surgery. And not like watching as an omniscient being but like I remember the actual surgery.

Now I have to say that I am permanently scarred for life. I felt hands in my body. I felt weak and drained after being hooked up on By-Pass. I felt the emotions in the room. I felt terror as my heart began to fix itself. Everything. I felt it.

I think the worst part was being sliced open, having my chest cracked;feeling my bone crack; and having them play with my heart muscle like a seventh grade science experiment. They just cut me open and started to play with the muscle that keeps me living.

That was pain. That was horror. That was terrifying.

***the morning after the shooting****

"I know what I saw Ms. O'Conners. We opened your sisters chest and examined the wound and saw that it was penetrating her right Atrium. But once I had removed the bullet, her Sats dropped, her heart started profusely bleeding, and then it stopped, the blood vanished, and her heart started to heal itself. How in the hell can you explain that because I know that that isn't some act of god!?!"

I watched a doctor speak in a loud tone to Kathy. I felt bad for her until... We'll let me just tell you what she said.

"How in the Hell can I explain that!?! Well how can you explain some one shooting my sister in the first place? You are the doctor, wait no scratch that! You are some jackass with a god complex that they give a scalpel to and hope for the best! So Captain God complex, how about you explain it to me!" She turned around and walked towards my room but stopped and turned back only to give him the finger and walk away.

I smiled a bit before rolling over in my bed. Slightly. It hurt but I didn't want to look through that stupid window any longer. All the stares made me feel like a circus act for the world to see.

But as I rolled over, I was blocked by something. No, someone. I turned my body and found Damian laying on the other half of my bed. But before I could turn again or say something, his blue eyes shot open. He sat up immediately and hopped off.

"Ummm... Hey, I guess?" I said. He scratched the back of his neck and looked to the floor. "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure that if you like died or something at three a.m. that some one would be there to tell the nurses." I giggled a bit but was hit with pain.

"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to make you laugh. Are you okay?" He said taking a step towards me. Damian looked down to the floor as I lifted my hand to the wound. He seemed to cringe.

Authors Note:

Okay question time...

1.) who shot her

2.)how did they

3.) why did they

Think about it....

Your hint: it truly is some one you would never expect... Guess? Just guess....


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