Chapter 32- Seeking What's Mine

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I was in a cold sweat as I listened in panic. The sweating intensified as I then sat in silence. Rickey? I attempted to call out. No response.

Tears formed in my eyes. The hot drips burned as I shut my eyes and tried to convince myself that I was dreaming. It felt like I had mini waterfalls attached to my eyes as I sat on my bed weeping.

James knocked and walked through my door. He was whistling and smiling. "Get out," I demanded in a low tone. My eyes were closed but I could feel his eyes on me. "I said get out," I said, louder. "What's wrong Ka-" I cut him off.

"I said get out!" I was screaming now but he stayed in his same place. I still kept my eyes closed but tears continued to escape. In my head I could see him put his hands up, palms faced to me, in a symbol of calm down.

My eyes shot open. They were blood shot and burning but not with tears but with rage and fury. "Get the Hell out of my room or so help me God!" He turned and ran out as I rose from my bed while screaming the statement. My throat felt raw after screaming as loud as possible.

I broke down and collapsed to my knees. I was wearing a white dress so I could see the tears fall on the edges of my dress as I cried. My eyes were locked shut once more as I weeped harder than ever.

I must have laid like that for two minutes until a nurse and an orderly walked in. I still had my eyes clenched tight but there presence was sensed. I could even feel their nervousness and feel the presence of the syringe in the nurses hand and orderlies back pocket.

It was as if watching from out side my body and I could see the nurse take quiet steps towards me. She was thinking that I didn't know she was there. She uncapped the needle and went to stick it in my outer thigh but when she crouched down I spun and took the needle from her, stabbing it in her arm.

I was now filled with hatred, anger, and energy. I heard the nurse pass out and hit the floor. I took a step in the direction of the orderly and my eyes fluttered open. He looked as if ready to tackle me.

This will be easy, The muscular man thought eyeing my. "Or so you think," I said. He seemed stunned that I knew that that was his previous thought.  I started to walk to the door and he stepped forward to try and stop me.

Blind rage fueled me now. He was a worker for the experiment. I threw my hand up and he froze, lifting of the ground slightly. His hands went to his throat as choking sound escaped. After holding him there for maybe ten seconds, I released him. He was coughing on the ground as I turned my head up to the camera on the wall in my room.

I put my hand up and balled my fist. The camera balled up and shattered. I smiled with satisfaction and ran out.


I slowed down and tried to act casual, well as casual as an untended ten year old in an asylum can be. Nurses looked at me oddly but Xander and I put their minds at ease. I followed a weird feeling in my gut to the place where I hoped Rickey was.

I wanted him back because when someone sends you an S.O.S. you don't ignore it. I was seeking out the one person in that building that meant something.

So I followed that feeling into a stair case. My eyes were starting to tear but it wasn't me being sad but it was me being driven by blind rage. I had to stop and catch my breath but I felt the need to speed up. So I was down the staircase in a dead run.

I finally reached a floor and busted through the door. I immediately was affront Rickey, passed out in a gurney with IV's all over.

"Rickey," I said out of breath. Two orderlies came to restrain me but with a flick of my wrist, they were blow backwards. Something had come over me and I had never been able to do things like this before. I came closer to him just as more doctors came swarming in.

"Rickey is just in here for basic testing and he had an allergic reaction so now he is resting," The woman who spoke had gentle, big eyes and a soft voice. I knew better though.

I sighed and shook my head. "You people never learn. I know than every single one of you in here combined times a thousand. I don't even have to read a chart or a label, my senses are so adapt that I can smell Chlorpromazine, an anti-psychotic that not only helps with hiccups but can calm a person down.

"You slowed down his mind so he couldn't think and use his one strength to harm you. Then you inserted a high dose of an anesthetic in order to sedate him. And in that carrying case in nurse Andria's hands is several high dosages of Izoidine, a drug that they tried to use on me, and,"

I paused and inhaled deeply," I can even sense the Hyprazine, used for slowing down cognitive function so Rickey can only think when you want him to. That is sick and if one person comes at me I will drop everyone."

I was tense and angry and I didn't know why I was so defensive but I felt so protective. Rickey groggily opened his eyes and mumbled something. A nurse standing close to him bent over to inject something into his central IV but I spoke and everyone listened.

"Three of you nurses can stay in here. Only. Three. First one of any human to come near me and Rickey I will personally take out. Now you people will keep your mouths shut and walk out then the nurses will reverse this and no one else will go away harmed."

Three nurses stayed back and the others left in silence. "We can't reverse it," A short nurse said shakily. "You can and you will or I will burn this hospital down." My eyes burned with anger and my mind ran on fury.

As the nurses stood still the air got tight. I stepped closer to them and they all back off in fear. Then the door opened.

"I said no one comes in until Rickey is better," I turned and looked and found Damian standing in the door way.

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