Chapter 49- Exposure

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I am not sure when but Damian left my room. He seemed jumpy but I thought that was just Damian being Damian. Either way, he was gone. I brushed the thought away; I didn't think they would let a kid from the crazy ward just be in a hospital.

I sat up in bed, half tempted to lay back down from the pain it caused me but I just pushed through it. You know how when you wake up and you are like really hungry? Imagine that times four cabillion, ninety nine trabillion, six billion, three million, two thousand, six hundred and eighty six and a half. I felt like I was dying through my stomach.

But as I began to look around the room, I saw someone in the corner, staring at me. I blinked. Gone. He vanished. I let my heart rate level out, keeping my eyes shut. How did I know that face?

I opened my eyes and looked back to that corner. Nothing. I exhaled and looked towards the door. There he was! I tried to scream but his hand covered my mouth. I panicked as he pinned my head to the pillow, his hand covering my mouth entirely. I did the first thing that popped into my head. I bit the hand.

I bit as hard as I could trying to get him to let go but this face, this face that I felt as if I had seen before, this face belonged to someone much stronger than I. Normally, a bite as I had delivered would draw blood but nothing. He seemed unfazed. But... I remembered.

I remembered.

**just before the shot fired***

I was ready to show Levi that I wasn't a fraud. I knew X was as real as anything and I knew I could prove it. But before I could speak or even do as much as blink, the door behind me opened.

I wanted to turn, I really did, but when I was ready to turn, a shot fired. The world worked in slow motion. I saw, I the window that was facing me, a reflection of myself and the man standing behind me. I could see him but I didn't want to admit that it was him.

But in the glass reflection, I saw the spark of the bullet being fired and I saw, in the glass, the bullet sore through the air and disappear into my side. I watched as this price of metal dug into my skin and buried itself next to my heart.

And worst of all, I felt it. I felt it go into my body. My abilities, especially as I age, to hear, see, smell, fell, and think are amplified. When regular people experience trauma like that, they forget; half because they want to and half because don't. Their minds almost work against them. But not mine.

Growing up, every insult hurt me more, ever shove, kick, slap, you name it, I felt it on an increased level. That is why I never forget. That is why, when I found Ben, how I felt was seared into my memory, what I saw is carved into my brain, and how much I missed Ben is forever etched into my heart.

When the bullet lodged itself into me, I fell to the ground, half in agony and half because my heart was stopping. I could feel myself dying. The light leaving the world. And that was when I left my body and watched myself be picked up and carried away.

**out of flash back. Back to now***

Why didn't I look? Why didn't I pull my eyes off my lifeless body to see the shooters face. I know I saw it in the glass but... I couldn't be. Why would he shoot me. He has always been good to me. Never would he try and kill me, I thought.

I wanted to just feel safe but the face I saw, whether it was popping up around the room or not, was haunting me. He was so kind and sweet.

I sat up in my bed, but was held back by restraints. My arms were trapped and so were my feet. No wonder I couldn't fend of the person who had pinned me down. Where they even truly there?

But my thoughts vanished as Kathy busted through my door. "Katrina!"She exclaimed. But I wasn't wanting to hug her. I wanted to tell her that I remembered. I remembered the person that shot me.

She came over and hugged me hard. I winced in pain as she tightened her grip around me but she released when she realized what she was doing. "Sorry," she whispered. "So are you okay? Are you hungry? Did you sleep well? Do we need to get you more Morphine? Are you-" I interrupted her.

"Kathy!" I yelled. "What?" She asked looking discouraged. "I remember." I said. "Remember what? Wait like you remember who shot you?!? Who?!?" She yelled.

"It was...."

Authors Note:

Heyo people reading this. Guess you will have to read my update!

Who do you think shot her? Why? Please let me know if you have any guess at all! And yes.. Everything will be revealed in the next chapter... Or will it.... *queue evil laughter*

Stay tuned!!!

Love, Ali XOXOXO

IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEADNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ