Chapter 31- Meet Natalie Freedmon

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Rickey raised his eyebrows and eyed the woman carefully. Then he quickly snapped his eyes towards me. "Hold up. I know that there will be this huge story to the lady and I have a story about her but first, what happened to your arm?"

I put my hand on my hip. "Don't interrupt me! I was about to tell you my story and explain my arm. Now please hut the whole in your face and I can continue." He eyed my slightly concerned, "are you okay? You are like a freaking pregnant woman on steroids..." His voice trailed off and he started to smile wryly.

He parted his pale pink lips. I spoke first, though. "Make a period or PMS joke and I will unfreeze time and kick you sorry ass." He shut his lips but a smile still actively played on them. That face made me happy but then the pain hit.

I hit the floor as my body began to ache from the task of holding time. Xander is there but the complicated thing is that he does somethings and I do others. Just having him makes me be capable of freezing time, but he usually reads the minds. I can do that part too, but it is sometimes easier for him to do it.

One more thing, new and exciting happened that day. This was a talent that involved me and Xander but I will get to that later.

Rickey closed his eyes as he stood over me and concentrated. Most of the pain immediately subsided. "Thanks," I said between gasps of air. I latched onto his hand and he pulled me off the floor. "Please explain the evil lady we have called this meeting for," Rickey said sitting back down on my bed.

I smiled and clutched my arm as pain surged through the burn. "Okay lets do this quick before my arm falls off.

"This woman is a single, barren, satan-sent bitch who I had a dream of. She was holding a gun to my head. I was asking about some guy and then she came in and said that he was the least of my problem and put a gun to my head."

"Is that all?" Rickey said I was finished. "Yes, nut one more things,"I paused and raised my burnt arm up,"My arm feels like it has been put through at portal and is slowly roasting in hell." He laid back on my bed laughing.

"Can't you heal it?" He asked sitting  back up. "Umm... no I can not." He gestured for me to come closer, so I did. He got up and stood behind me. "Focus on your arm," he whispered. "Okay," I responded. I really wanted to say, I can't when you are whispering in my ear and breathing down my neck.

Get a hold of yourself, I thought to myself. "Think about your and being healed. Let Xander do the rest." I closed my eyes and thought. Then I felt my skin stretch and pull. It hurt more and more until the pain finally stopped.

I marveled at my newly healed arm and dropped my jaw in awe. "That is sketchy," I whispered. Rickey grabbed my arm and felt around where the burn was. "I know right," He said," You two did well."

But then came the pain in my abdomen and that wasn't a pain that one could heal. We couldn't hold time still much longer so Rickey ran off and we released the clock.

"Hello, Katrina." The therapist said in a gentle voice. "Good day to you, Janelle," I responded. I then turned to my dad and Ellie. A feeling formed in my gut, the same feeling of oh crap that I got when I was five and sitting in the nurses office.

"Satan," I nodded to my dad," Satan's mistress," I nodded to Ellie. She gave me a sarcastic smile and then her thoughts did the rest.

I would strangle that girl if I could, Ellie thought. I gave her a devilish smile and to a step closer. She steeped back as of fearing me. "Touch me, and I will slap the botox straight out your face." She looked to the wall with an offended expression.

The woman from my dream seemed to stand by the door and only observe. "What do you all want because there isn't a chance in hell that I will either a.) apologize to skank face over there, b.) go home or anywhere for that matter with my dad, c.) have a mushy heart to heart therapy session, or d.) Talk to Ms. Natalie Freedom.

"But she seems to be thinking about what she will say to me and her advisers after she is done watching this little meeting but I will tell you what. You all leave and I won't make you regret coming or you can stay and I will make you regret the decision. And you know me and when I make a threat it is rare and I always follow through."

I made eye contact with each person. "Make that decision wisely because I wont hurt you physically but I have my ways so choose with your mental state in mind."

Dad scoffed and crossed his arms. I laughed at him lightly and then locked gazes. I wasn't letting him turn his head as Xander read his mind. A wry smile played on my lips just before I spoke.

"SO my guess is that you all aren't afraid and will face whatever will happen," I shut the door with my head," So dad you aren't afraid of me telling Ellie that the night you missed dinner was actually not because you had to stay at the office late but because you went out and had a little make out sesh with the secretary from floor three of your office out in your car."

Ellie started to cry and took a step away from my dad as he  tried to explain. "And Ellie," She snapped around to look at me," You have a baby that you had before you got married to my dad and you steal his money in order to pay the father child support."

The therapist stood back with a blankness on her face. "And you Janelle, I won't hurt you because you were one of my favorite therapists, well actually my only favorite, and you didn't give my file to my father or Dr. Hopper when they asked. Thank you."

Ms. Freedmon reached for the door handle. "Not so fast, I know everything about you. About how you were a drug addict for ten years and then lied in order to keep you profession because druggies can't have the job you do."

I then tightened my gaze and talked to her in her mind, And I know that your job is to watching me on a more personal level and you know every word I have said. But the best part is that you don't have approval from the hospital do somethings so the project that is highly respected and highly funded is technically illegal.

I scanned the room again," Go ahead, try and cross me. I know more. see what happens." Silence. No one opened their mouth and no one dared think anything bad. And then they all left.

I sat on my bed and thought about the conversation again. The only thing that I like repetition was talking to Natalie. She had thoughts and plan and every secret in her head. Now I knew every last detail.

My eyes got heavy and I started to drift off but then I heard a scream.

I got and looked out the window on my door. Nothing. I heard it again. Looked around. Nothing. But then I realized that the scream was in my head. It came again and this time louder.

I sat on my bed and tried to focus. Rickey? I said.

Nothing came until about twenty seconds later and the message was garbled.

S.O.S They brought me in and..... put in IV.... knocked me out... losing ability to talk to you.... find me.... help.... help me.... They...


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