Chapter 42- Perfect

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"Wake up, Katrina." A voice whispered harshly. I moaned and rubbed my eyes. I could see a face over mine, staring in my eyes. Eyes that were filled with fear. Fear and eagerness. "Get up, Katrina!" Who ever it was, was now yelling.

I sat up from my bed, now fully alert. I didn't understand what was going on but I got out of my bed and followed the person who held my wrist and was half dragging me through my door way.

"What is going on," I whispered. "Just come on," I couldn't see the face of the person pulling me but I knew that the person had to be my age. The person was my height and had a higher voice.

"What is happening?" I demanded. I was getting impatient now. The person turned to me and said something that made me freeze. I stopped dead in my tracks as the unknown person whispered," Rickey is dead."

For the moments I stood shaking, crying, and fighting urges to scream, I couldn't move. Finally, I muttered out," What.... No.... No." The person grabbed my shoulders and said. "Damian is gone too. We tried to save Jessica and Kayla but couldn't and Hally was too far gone when we found her. Lillian is trapped and I don think she will make it through. We... We just couldn't do anything to save them."

When the person was done speaking, I noticed that it was Alex who was standing I front of me. He was cut up and his eyes were red and tearing up.

I didn't know how to react. It was like I was in this state of limbo that just didn't seem real. How was all of this happening? I knew so much about the future where these people were important. But Rickey... My Rickey was gone.

And my Damian. The two people that had changed me as a person in a matter of days.

And just when I thought those things, my eyes were caught on the sight of Rickey, laying in an unzipped black bag, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. And Damian was the worst sight of all; his eyes were open and he was collapsed in an impossible position. He looked as if he had broken bones all through out his body.

But everything was interrupted by the strangest thing.


I sat up in my bed, sweating and unable to breathe. I couldn't think but I knew that I needed to get up. I bolted out of my room, my hair stuck against my face with sweat. I bolted around searching for Rickey.

I spotted him in a corner and tackled him, wrapping my arms around him. "Oh god... Oh god... Rickey!" I was only able to stutter out a few words. That had been the most vivid dream I had ever been through.

Rickey was alright and I knew that the other asylum kids are fine but Damian. He was gone now. Would I ever see him? Was he really dead? And worst of all was that I had no way to find out. He was released.

I pulled away from Rickey, crying tears of joy that he wasn't really dead. It was a relief but I needed Damian. Rickey was the air I needed to breath, but Damian was the lungs I used to keep breathe.

But of my dream hadn't been bad enough, the thing that was designed to shred me happened. The terrible thing that had happened was my dream and Christmas was knowing that my friends were alive.

I heard the click of the common room doors and someone was shoved through in handcuffs. A guard had the kids hand behind his back and was pushing him towards a room. As they passed me, the most familiar smirk caught my eye. It was cocky and perfect and it was none other than Damian Avery's smile.

I sighed and shook my head as he was shoved into a room. I turned to see Rickey's expression but to my surprise, he looked almost defeated. But why? I didn't know but I carried on.

"Well, that was unexpected."

"I never liked that guy."

"Oh whatever, Rickey. He isn't that bad once you get to know him."

"Oh whatever, Katrina. He is trouble and I don't need to elaborate on that one."

Rickey crossed his arms across his chest and walked away. He was in gray sweats and a white tshirt. I didn't get why he feel so angry towards Damian. I wasn't complaining that the boy that I was drooling over was now in my asylum.

The guard walked out of Damian's new room and walked over to me. "You were that kids friend right?" I smiled a bit and said," Yes. Why is he here?" The guard gestured to his door and said," Ask him yourself."

I bolted over to Damian's room and threw open the door. I jumped into Damian's arms an didn't let go. "Oh my god, I had a dream that you died and I can't...." I was stuttering and starting to cry. "I'm alive," he whispered into my neck. I smiled as his breath touched my skin.

He set me down and looked into my eyes and kissed me on the cheek. It was a brush of him perfect lips on my red, blushing cheeks but it felt so amazing. I smiled as he released me and sat down on his bed. I sat down right by him and asked him what he did to get put in here.



"I'm just kidding!"

"Oh good... But also dang it cause I wanted to tell people that I got kissed by a druggie."

"That might be the cutest thing you've ever said to me."


"Is it weird that we are ten year olds having this conversation in an asylum?"

"I've been through weirder. Now how did you get in here?"

"I was bored."


"Just kidding. I am on PSW and here, people give you shelter and food. On the streets you are left starving and cold."

"That is sad but... Wait? PSW! You are on periodic suicide watch?"

"Yes but I didn't try to commit suicide, I just happened to be standing on the edge if a tall bridge, starring down into the rapids when the police drove by."

"Oh, okay..."

"Now what is this about me dying?"

I told him about my dream and how awful it was but Damian just looked to the ground and casually grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. I smiled to myself and blushed.

A doctor walked in and Damian released my hand. The lady wanted him to come for a therapy session so we walked in different directions and I went to find Rickey. I wanted to be by him after dreaming that he was gone. I needed him like you need a friend and when you think of your best friend dead, you want to be around them more.

"So what did he do to get in here? Because I think he deserves juvi over the bliss of being in an asylum."

"Ignoring that comment. Damian is on PSW and..." Rickey interrupted me saying," why didn't he get slapped for trying to off himself!? I got yelled at and hit!" I sighed and shook my head. I wanted to say that I just couldn't hurt Damian. I liked him.

"I just didn't feel like hitting," I lied. Rickey sighed and not in a way that was pleasant. "I get it... He is better than me... Go be besties with your hot juvi boy..." I rolled my eyes as Rickey got up to leave.

I put my hand in his shoulder and he yelled at me," Don't touch me. You don't care about me as much as I do you. So just go away and leave me alone. You can just go be happy with your delinquent and now crazy boyfriend, okay!"

And that was all he said. He stomped away angrily and slammed his door. So I was left there. My closest friend was mad at me and now I was standing in an asylum with no one. Perfect.

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