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Arjun hated interviews but it was something that came with his profession and fame. He enjoyed the interviews with sports channels because there he only has to talk about cricket in stretch. Like any other human being he loves talking about his passion. But these much informal interviews in chat shows, he absolutely loathed. They are more inclined towards getting out some gossip. Who fought with whom and who is bad and blah shit. It's always a tricky situation, they can't straight away deny because that will lead to speculations so they have to choose their words wisely because a little slip of tongue can destroy the whole environment of dressing room, which can adversely affect the game. Today he was more reluctant because this was going to be his first proper interaction with media after his marriage. There are going to be lot of personal questions. He stared himself in mirror for one last time as the host has already started with his introduction.

After almost 3 months we have been finally able to get hold of the man who carried the dream of 1.3 billion people on his shoulders and led us to iconic victory in Melbourne. The most in demand cricketer and heartthrob of nation. The Indian Captain-Arjun Singhania.

The audience hooted and cheered for him as he walked on stage. He waved in their direction flaunting his best smile. He shook hands with the host, Ananya.

"Welcome to our show, Arjun. We are so delighted that the most celebrated and most wanted person in India is here with us in studio today"

"Thank you" Arjun smiled giving a slight nod "its a pleasure to be here"

"How does it feel to be titled as World Champions?"

"Surreal. Each member of team has relentlessly worked towards a single dream. The feeling of seeing that dream getting fulfilled is something that words can never describe"

She nodded with a smile moving onto next question "We didn't have a dream start in World Cup. Starting as favorites and then getting almost written off the tournament and then reviving back as favorites and clinching the title. The journey of team India was no less than a Bollywood movie"

Arjun laughed "it was. Even we didn't expect the kind of start we had. I'll be honest it was heartbreaking and unbelievable. Losing two matches in a row." He shook his head remembering that time. He had almost lost hope. "But what was more important how we carried ourselves after that. We couldn't undo anything but how we played the next matches mattered and that's what we did. Not a dream start but a dream end"

"You said losing two matches was unexpected for you and team as well. How you coped up with disappointment and kept yourself and team motivated?"

"Giving up was not an option. We have taken the fall but it was very important to rise back. A billion people were relying on us, so we had to give a fight for them. Also for me, my wife was great source of motivation. Her words kept me going throughout the tournament. She is comparatively very young but I guess having studied psychology as additional subject comes handy at such times" He chuckled completing his sentence.

Ananya smiled "now that you have mentioned your wife, it will be very apt to say that 2019 is truly your year. You got married and won World Cup, two of the biggest events"

He shrugged agreeing with her "Best year so far"

"I am sure I speak for everyone when I say, the news of your marriage came as a shock"

Arjun laughed taking a sip of coffee while she continued "you have been completely tight lipped about your marriage, your wife. How did you guys meet? When you decided to get married?"

A fond smile appeared on his face. Ananya thought the memory of first meet with his wife put a smile on his face but in reality he was smiling remembering Arohi's words when he had asked her the same. He knew this questions were bound to be thrown at him and he can't tell them the truth. So he had asked her what kind of love story she wanted to have them for World to know.

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