Tom and Jerry

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Arohi gulped audibly as the contained anger was evident in his eyes. He looked like raging bull ready to attack her. Twisting her arm he glared at her "what the hell you think of yourself?"

"Aaah..let go" she tried freeing her hand but he only tightened his hold.

"Dear wife" with his free hand he caressed her cheek "now it's payback time"

Struggling in his hold she tried to bring her hand in front but he had the power of beast.

"I warned you again and again that don't cross your limits but you thought I was bluffing" he spoke through his greeted teeth.

"Captain, it's hurting. Let go" she stomped on his foot which made his hold on her slightly loose and she was able to bring her hand in front.

"What the..." She bit on his hand and freed herself from his hold. Not wasting even a second she ran for life. He was right behind her groaning in frustration.

She was about to close the door of her room but he placed his foot in between door and wall preventing her from closing it.

"Captain, it's really late. We will talk tomorrow morning. Okay? Goodnight. Sweet dreams" she hoped for him to step back but he stood there adamantly.

Instead he forcefully opened the door and entered inside. "You didn't let me sleep, didn't let me eat, didn't let me work.." he looked around "where is that phone of yours?"


"Shut up" he yelled and took a step forward making her step back "out of goodwill I saved my number in your mobile just in case of emergency and opportunist woman, naak me dum krdia mere"

Arohi looked at him innocently "u should have said it then. Would have saved us both from trouble"

"Trouble? One second. I'll tell you what trouble is" saying that he started opening buttons of his shirt which made Arohi's eyes widen as her thoughts ran in total different direction.

"Whh-what are you-you doing?" She tried her best to sound confident still fumbled.

He pushed his shirt aside after opening first few buttons "see this" he pointed at a little red rash on his right "this is result of your stupidity"

She gulped as she remembered pouring hot coffee on him "I have ointment..I"

"Do hell with your ointment!" He barked clutching her shoulders.

She closed her eyes and meekly spoke "Jaane do Captain! Challenge over so everything else also over"

"Jaane do! Huh! You tortured me for one whole week. You left no stone unturned to turn my life hell and you are saying Jaane do" he was spitting fire at her "you locked me out of my own house and what about all tamasha in academy and restaurant."

"It was all part of challenge. I had to do something to angry you"

"Angry me!! U have no idea how much angry I am right now" pushing her a little he rubbed his palm on face in order to calm himself "I am so angry right now that I can kill someone" he said with a frustrated sigh.

"Kill" her eyes widened "I am too young to die"

"You are Satan"

"And you have gone mad because you couldn't yell at me for a week. But I have college tomorrow and I need to sleep" trying her luck she walked past him in order to just move out room and get hell away from it.

With speed she trying to walk past him, the four times the speed she was pulled back which made her loose balance. She stretched her hand to hold something and his shirt came in her hand. The both landed on bed with Arjun and top of her. That was not it, they felt another jerk which was because the bed broke.

Few seconds pass with none of them speaking a word. She opened her eyes to find his brown eyes fixed at her.

"Captain, if your plan is to kill me with your heavy weight then let me tell you it's working" she spoke in a painful voice as his whole frame was pressing her. He quickly got off her rolling on other side of bed while Arohi took dramatically long breaths "oh my God! Are u a whale or what?"

"If I was a whale I would have eaten you first"

"Acha" she narrowed her eyes "then I would have created havoc in your stomach that you would have to throw me out"

Arjun mimicked her scrunching his nose irritating her more.

"U fool u broke my bed" she hit him on his arm.

He rubbed his arm "that doesn't sound right" he spoke with a smirk.

She shook her head ignoring to answer him and thinking about something "open some other room. I can't sleep on this bed"

"I don't have keys" he replied dryly "Dolly keeps the keys"

She groaned "it's all your mistake" she thought for something and an idea struck her "it's all your mistake so you will pay for it" with a little extra effort she got up on her feet.

Arjun gave her a confused look and by the time he understood her motive she was out of her room and sprinting towards his.

She immediately looking closed the door before he could even do some stunt. Keeping her hand on chest she caught her breath. She walked towards his bed and plopped on it with a sigh. She felt so damn tired.

"Didn't anyone tell you that it's bad manners to come in someone's room without permission and worse to make it your territory"

His voiced booked from behind and she feebily turned to look at him. Damn! The connecting door of gym.

"You broke my bed so you should compensate for it"

He strode towards her "Get out of here. It's my room not your garden"

"Where will I sleep then?"

"I don't care. Get out" he pointed his hand at door.

She crossed her arms stubbornly "I won't"

"How will u not!" He hissed and picked her up throwing over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?? Put me down" she started hitting his back but of no use as he effortlessly kept moving towards door.

When they reached doorway she struck her both hands on door frame preventing him to move forward "either you break my hands or put me down"

He applied little force to move but she held the frame tightly making him give up as he roughly dropped her "you are pain in a**"

"Good to hear" she said with a grin and walked back towards bed "such a tiring day! I am so sleepy" sheaid down on bed and pulled covers.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned him as he hopped on bed from other side.

"What do you mean? It's my room, my bed"

"But I am sleeping in here tonight"

"So you are also my "dear" wife" he remarked snidely.

"I am not sleeping like this"

He sarcastically smiled "u r more than welcome to get out of here then"

"Arghhh" she calmed herself down "this is my side and that is your side. Even if your finger came in my side I will chop it" she warned making him roll his eyes "Like I am doing to touch you"

He turned to other side and switched off his side of light. Arohi cursed him under her breath before she too turned to other side and switched of her lamp.

"Dear wife" he started after momentary silence "be prepared for tomorrow. It's not going to be a good day"

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