The First Meet

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Arohi stepped out of an auto-rickshaw, smoothening crease on her kurta she looked at one of the most luxurious and fancy restaurant of Delhi. She had passed this place very often and had always admired its beauty from outside as her pocket money never allowed her to go inside. She was here to meet India's most eligible bachelor Arjun Singhania as his bride to be. If she can say so as this all depends on how this meeting goes. Her father was really hopeful of this alliance but what if she doesn't like him or he doesn't like her? She hates letting down her father...she just hopes this Singhania guy is as good as media portrays him.

She was greeted by a well suited guy probably in his 30's.

"Welcome Mam, how can I help u?" he asked politely smiling at her.

She nervously smiled back at him "I-I" "I am here to meet Arjun Singhania"

The confusion on his face turned into a full grown grin "oh u r Miss Arohi Ahluwalia"

She nodded slightly.

"Mr. Rudra Singhania has informed us about ur arrival. Please come this way, Mr. Arjun is not here yet but I assume he will be there any moment"

Arohi silently followed him admiring the beauty of place. It was incredibly exquisite and seemed so unreal. She had never been to a place like this. She and her college friends mostly gather at small cafe beside her college. That place was small and cozy but this so grand! She was in awe of the beauty of this place. She felt conscious of herself looking at people dining there. She felt underdressed in her navy blue Patiala suit. She should have listened to Shefali and worn something fancier.

The manager pulled out the chair for her as they reached their table. She whispered a quick thank you as she settled on chair. This was all so new to her.

A waiter came by her side and filled her glass with water.

"Mam, Mr. Singhania will be escorted here as soon as he arrives. Till then would u like to order something?" Manager asked her politely.

She shook her head in a no with a small smile.

Smiling back at her, manager took leave leaving her alone. She glanced at her watch, he was already 10 minutes late. God knows for how long she would have to wait for Mr. Captain!

As the time passed she was feeling more anxious and out of the place. She wanted to run away from there. Maybe Mr. High and mighty has decided to stand her up on their first meeting. She fisted her hands. Five minutes more, if he didn't show up she is leaving! How can he insult her like that!

She was about to leave when she heard chaos outside the restaurant. She looked up to find none other than the star captain of Indian Cricket team entering inside flashing smile at his fans. He was wearing casual blue denims matched with plane white Tee and a Grey Jacket. Arohi couldn't take her eyes off as he looks much more handsome in real life than he looks on T.V. She stood up from her seat as he approached her table. He smiled looking at her and she returned the gesture. Ok maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as has imagined!

"Sorry Sweetheart! I am here for a private meeting so no autographs and photographs. Better luck next time" 

WHAT!! What did he just said in his oh so husky voice? Maybe he misunderstood her as some of his fan. Didn't he look at her photo before coming to meet her here? OMG he is so interested in this alliance! She thought sarcastically.

Dismissing her he looked at manager who was standing as much confused as her "So where is my supposed to be date? U said she is waiting for me here...where is she?"

Manager smiled at him awkwardly "Sir, She is Miss Arohi Ahluwalia"

Arjun chuckled loudly "Wow! Just wow!" he glanced at her from head toe..."interesting" he hissed and then looked at manager "thank u...leave now"

As Manager left, Arjun pulled out a chair roughly and sat on it while Arohi kept standing in shock. Tilting his head he stared at her for hefty amount of time..."Do u plan on standing for rest of evening?" he said breaking her thoughts. She looked around and found few eyes on them.

She took a deep breath and sat on her chair. Okay-so this was going to be worse!

"Don't mind me saying ah"what ur name was?"

He doesn't even remember my name! Again just how interested he is in this marriage she thought sarcastically once more.


"uh yeah! Arohi..Don't mind me saying Arohi" he said putting pressure on Arohi "but even my maid has better dressing sense than u"

Arohi's eyes went wide at his remark. "Mr. Singhania u..." she started gritting her teeth.

"Call me Arjun." He leaned back on his chair "or u can call me Mr. hottie or sexy" he said winking at her.

Arohi gripped her fist "Mr. Arjun" she again started but completely ignoring her he called waiter on their table.

"one sugarless black coffee"

"and Mam, you?" the waiter asked turning towards her.

Before she could say, the devil spoke again "can't u tell just by looking at her? She would have a masala tea"

The waiter and nodded was about to leave when Arjun stopped him "actually do one thing cancel the tea and double the black coffee. Let's make Madam taste something else today" he smiled cockily at her.

Arohi waited for waiter to leave before she started lashing out on him "how dare u insult me like that? Who do u think u are?"

Arjun smirked back at her "I am the Captain of Indian Cricket Team and u my dear, u are nothing!" he looked at her sternly "Jitni tumahri umar h utne mere records keep this attitude of urs aside while talking to me"
(I have records same as it age)

He faked a smile at her as waiter came with their order.

"Arushi u know, instead of masala tea u should start drinking green tea. It will help u in reducing weight. I will even give u a proper diet chart"

Arohi glared at him angrily "First of all its Arohi not Arushi and second thing I don't need to reduce weight. I am not fat"

seriously one more word from him and she is leaving.

"yeah u r not fat. U r very fat. For a moment I thought u r baby elephant" he laughed as if he cracked some joke.

Arohi stood up "it's enough" "firstly u came late and now u r insulting me again n again" "u maybe the captain of Indian Cricket Team but I am not going to any of this shit from u" she herself was surprised on her newly found confidence but she was glad that she gave it to back this arrogant jerk sitting in front of her.

She was about to leave but she stopped "and yeah Thanks for coffee and ur totally unwanted advice. I don't need any of ur diet plan as I am very comfortable with who I am" "Enjoy ur coffee"

Proud on herself she walked from there keeping her head high but she had hardly taken one step one his hand gripped her wrist and forcefully made her sit back on chair.

"leave my hand! What are u doing? It's hurting" she winced as his hold was very tight

Arjun pulled her little closer "I told u to keep ur attitude in check with me but I guess u have some hearing problem..." Arohi tried freeing her hand but he only tightened his grip...


"Get this straight in ur mind...u are going to say NO for this marriage...a bhenji like u would never become Mrs. Arjun Singhania" jerking her hand away forcefully he stood up and without looking at her for once he left from there adjusting his jacket.

Stunned with his rudeness Arohi sat there holding her hand. She had never felt this much humiliated in her life. She sucked back the tears that threatened to come out of her eyes.

She is not going to marry this Arjun matter what!

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