Pending Apologies(1)

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Arohi was sitting in front of mirror with an army of people revolving around her. Someone was painting her nails, other one was blow drying her hair and one was over her face doing her makeup. She had to attend a charity ball with Arjun. This was her first public appearance with Arjun after their wedding. Since Arjun didn't trust her to look good on her own he had hired this army to make her look good. She had been sitting in same position for like an hour.

After an hour when she stood in front of full length mirror and looked at herself she realized it was all worth it. According to theme she was wearing a red sari with black backless conservative blouse.

She walked out of her room towards the staircase. She liked Sari but handling one was very difficult. She somehow managed to reach at top of staircase but real test was descending them. At end of it Arjun was waiting for her. He looked every bit of handsome in his black tuxedo. She gave him a small smile before looking down to find a way to go down without tripping. A hand came in her vicinity and she looked up to find him standing near her.

"We are already getting late" he slightly coughed.

She rolled her eyes and kept her hand in his. Carefully he helped her descend stairs. As they reached bottom she asked him "am I looking presentable much?"

He made a face scanning her up and down "it will do" he spoke playfully.

"Aren't we getting late?" Arohi narrowed her eyes and started walking but he stopped her. "Now what?"

"Tie problems!" He said showing her a tie in his hand.

She shook her head "You had your stylist this time"

"Oh I messed it up by mistake" he made an apologetic while handling it to her. She stepped up on a stair to match his level.

Once done the headed outside where a car was already waiting for them.

Arjun helped her settle in first and got inside.

"Due to my company you have started behaving well. Good Captain!" She chuckled while he just shook his head.

"So what I am supposed to do other than sticking by you and smiling at people I don't know?" She asked with an evident frown.

He shrugged his shoulders "you can look around and I can buy if you like something"

"No thanks" she groaned and indulged herself in her mobile..

He shifted a little beside her "what you keep doing in your mobile? You are on it 24x7"

"Why should I tell you?" She spoke without sparing him a glance. He too didn't speak after that and leaned back on his seat.

It was a 30 minutes ride to the venue. Whole lot of papparazi was waiting for them when they reached there. Arohi thought she had gotten habitual of them but no. She literally had a cold feet and all she wanted to do was run away from there. Arjun opened the door for her and forwarded his hand "Dear wife, it's time to play ideal couple"

Arohi gulped "They are so many and we are just two"

Arjun frowned " we are not going for war" he chuckled "and there are so many other celebs around. We gotta be there for only a minute"

She nodded and put her hand in his.

"Don't worry! Just smile and pose for pics. Let me answer questions and try not to make eye contact with anyone else" he entwined their fingers as they walked the red carpet. He was flashing his dazzling smile at everyone while she was walking beside him meekly with a nervous smile on her face. She hated attention. PERIOD.

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