Charged up Arohi

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Looping her arm with Arjun's, Arohi strutted around the Hall wearing a tight fitted pastel blue lacey dress.

"I can't wait to be outside of this dress" She frustratingly whispered.

"You are putting thoughts in my mind" He chuckled huskily

She slapped his arm blushing at his insinuation. On feeling a change in his stance she looked at his visibly tensed face. Following her eyes she found the reason of his clenched jaws.

Rudra Pratap Singhania was standing there with his wife Kumud Singhania.

She made an attempt to walk to them but Arjun stood fixed at his place. She pleaded him with eyes but his firm state indicated he was in no mood to entertain them. She tugged at his hand making puppy face. He left a dejected sigh and let her drag him to where his parents were standing.

"You both are looking like a golden couple" Kumud remarked pecking Arjun's cheek.

"We are golden couple, Mom" He spoke playfully completely ignoring the presence of his dad.

Arjun excused himself from the ongoing conversation with his team mates and looked around for Arohi. On spotting her chatting with her dad and bua, he decided against disturbing her and moved ahead to grab a drink.

He felt a presence beside him and looked up to find his dad standing there. He made a move to leave but Rudra stopped him.

"I don't understand what are you even mad about?"—"Sudhir is recovering well, You and Arohi are happy together. Everything went according to plan"

Arjun stared at him in disbelief "Dad, the problem is–people's lives are not business deals"

Rudra opened his mouth to speak but Arjun cut him "leave it. You will not understand" He left from there and walked straight to Arohi who was now looking around for him.

"Hey" He slipped his arm around her waist taking her by surprise. Leaning down he whispered in her ears "let's dance"

"Dance!" She asked surprised and let him guide her to dance floor. As in on cue, the DJ changed the number to some romantic soft song. From corner of her eyes Arohi noticed many other couples joining them on floor.

"It's nice" She exclaimed when Arjun pulled her completely in his warm embrace.

As the night moved many guests left. Just the team members and some other close friends were remaining. Arjun had gone to see off his old school coach and family. It took him bit more than expected time. By the time he returned back Romit and Arohi were engrossed in a silly competition *who will finish the shots early?* And by the look of it, Arohi waa already sloshed and she still had 3 more shots to go. He scratched his temple, leaving Arohi alone with Romit was a bad idea.

"Captain" She shrieked on spotting him. Rising up from stool she stumbled her way towards him "I won" He was quick to catch her in his arms "you sure did"
Hooking her arms around his neck, Arohi pulled him in a kiss shocking him. She cupped his cheek applying more pressure. He groaned as he broke the kiss. This has to be their best kiss yet!

She slipped her hands down and rested her head on his shoulder. Arjun looked around and found everybody was either drunk or on their way of getting drunk. He felt Arohi leaving sloppy kisses on his neck "I love it when you hold me like this and do this" She bit at base of his neck and sucked on the spot making him hiss. It took every ounce of self control from him to peel her off his body. Before things can get out of hands he decided to take Arohi home. Drunk Arohi was a very horny Arohi. She was testing his patience as she kept teasing him with her hands and kisses. On their way out they met a drunk girl who was shamelessly ogling at Arjun activating the possessive wife in Arohi.

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