Welcome to Hell

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Arohi looked on as the car entered the iron gates of society where Arjun lives. The place was huge. She could see multiple towers with Alphabets and numbers written on them. The car entered the basement of one of the tower. She supposed this was where his apartment was! Without giving her a look Arjun stepped out of car and banged the door with loud thud.

She followed him as he entered the lift. Pressing the P button on board he leaned back on lift wall. As they were nearing the fear in her was rising. Only Arjun knows what was going to happen with her once she enters his so called penthouse. He had been giving her a menacing glances since morning.

The lift pinged indicating them the arrival of their destination. Deliberately pushing her, he walked out of lift. Pressing his finger he unlocked the door. Walking through the wooden doorway they entered in the hall. It was a double storeyed penthouse. The hall had combination of dark grey and white walls with black and light grey furniture.

"Follow me!" He roughly spoke.

Arohi made a weird face and walked behind him.

Reaching in front of a door that was hidden under marbled staircase he stopped.

"So this is ur room!" He opened the door.

It was not room! It was a shoebox and she isn't over reacting or something. The room was so small that Arohi standing alone in there would make it crowded.

She would still have adjusted but there was no bed just an old mattress in corner and room was full of all sorts of old unused crap. There were boxes, old paintboxes, dirty clothes and etc etc. If this is what Arjun had decided for her she can't really do much because it's his house but she ain't going down without a fight!

"I always wanted to be like Harry Potter but I meant magic and not living in a cupboard under staircase!" She gritted her teeth looking at him

He smirked "u should have been more specific then!"

"I am not living in here!"

He crossed his arms and leaned at door "okay! Then u can stay with me in my room. U know like a dutiful wife" he swirled her hair strand.

She slapped his hand "or u can stay in here while I stay in ur room" she fake grinned.

"U did whatever u want to do till now but from now on everything will happen as I want!" His voice low laced with warning.

She took a deep sigh "okay if this is what u want...I'll stay in here. I have no problem but I guess anti- domestic violence unit will have" she smirked "I know u want no drama before World up but u r digging ur own grave Mr. Husband!"

His jaw clenched as he stared at her with angry eyes. She smiled back sweetly as response.

"Dolly!! Show Madam her room" he barked order to, she assumed, a maid and left from there.

A middle aged woman came just as soon as he left.

"Hello Mrs. Singhania. I am Dolly, caretaker of this place"

Arohi nodded with a smile "plz call me Arohi, Dolly ji"

When she addressed her as Mrs. Singhania, Arohi felt like suddenly she was some old lady and not college girl.

Dolly took her upstairs and showed her the room which was farthest from Arjun's room.

"Oh My God" these were the first words that escaped her mouth after seeing room.

The room which can easily pass as any girl's dream was the biggest nightmare for her.

It was bright pink room. Pink walls, Pink bed, Pink curtains, Pink furniture, Pink Bedsheet...

Her hold on door knob tightened as she felt she would faint right then and there.

Arohi remembered at one of their meet with Nina she had mentioned her dislike for color pink. The monster intentionally got the whole room pink and not just pink but bright pink. It felt like someone was poking her eyes. She was now actually considering living in that small room he showed earlier at least there she won't go blind.

Her luggage was already there and arranged in the cupboards. She changed into pale yellow tee and blue denims discarding the heavy anarkali suit she was wearing.

The washroom was also bathed in pink color. The tub, sink, toilet, mirror, cabinets, rugs... everything PINK!

There were so many button to control lighting and temperature. The shower  was in a cylindrical glass stall with multiple jets and options to choose from. There was mist, rain, waterfall and heavy rain. She wished Arjun had thunderstorm in his shower panel.

She called Dolly asking her to change the bedsheet to some other color. She came to her room with a trolly having bedsheets.

"Arohi, what color u want? We have light pink, magenta, dust pink.." she started displaying the bedsheets in front of her which were all in pink color.

What was it?? 50 shades of Pink?

"White! Do we have white bedsheets?"

Dolly nodded with an uncertain look "but sir specifically told me to have everyone about ur room pink.."

Arohi tried hard to not abuse Arjun in front of her "change the bedsheets with white one Dolly ji"

Arjun didn't show up at dining table for lunch and Arohi was glad for it as she had her lunch peacefully and retired in room for rest of the day. She spent her time in arranging her things. She prepared a list of things she needs to but to make the pinky room bearable for her. She then talked with her father and brother and also got a call from his mother. Once she was done, she felt so tired and because of the restless and uncomfortable sleep last night, she didn't know when sleep took over her. She ended up sleeping till the time of dinner. She didn't intend to sleep that long though but she felt much better and relaxed.

She was again glad that Arjun wasn't there for dinner but her happiness was short lived as he joined her.

Now they both were sitting at opposite ends of table while Dolly served them food. Once she was done she left them alone. Just as Arohi was about to put first morsel in her mouth he spoke.

"Hey Pinky! Hope u are comfortable in ur room!"

Arohi's hold on her spoon tightened as she ignored his question and concentrated on eating.

"U can say thanks! I am waiting" she could hear him smirking.

Arohi looked at him gritting her teeth but he continued speaking unfazed.

"I found out Pink color is very soothing for eyes and helps in maintaining mental health. I am so caring" he smiled sweetly making her more angry.

"Really! We should exchange rooms then because ur mental health is questionable!"

Arjun chuckled "U seem quite impatient to be in my room. It's been a day and that's second time u are mentioning ur desire to be there..."

"...lis" she started but he showed his finger stopping her.

"But let me tell u it's not going to happen like ever. Soon I will have u out of this house as well u just wait and watch!"

Arohi leaned back on chair and looked at him with blank eyes "go on I am watching!"

He opened his mouth few times like a fish and then left from there angrily.

I am not going anywhere Arjun Singhania...at least not for a year!

She too pushed her plate away and went back to her room.

U can't hate Arjun in this update at least! 😝

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