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Music was buzzing at a high volume as Arohi entered with her friends in the one of the most happening pub of Delhi. Dhondhu got them free spaces and all her friends were pretty excited about it. Though she didn't want to come but she relented on their continuous insistence. It was Friday night so club was quite jam-packed. She adjusted her dress. She was wearing one of Prachi's dress. It was a noodle strapped red colored dress which reached till her mid thighs. She was feeling little awkward as the dress was not of of her type but considering the crowd at that place she felt like she was overdressed.

Arjun was worried sick as it was half past 12 and Arohi was still not home. At last he decided to call her. He was hoping she will return by midnight but that is clearly not the case.

The ring went for a while but nobody answered. With each passing second he was nearing towards panic attack. He tried again and this time someone picked up.

"CAPTAIN" he heard a very slurry voice of Arohi and her giggles. He could also hear loud music in background.

His brows furrowed "Arohi where are you?"

"Where am I? I don't know where am I?" She giggled.

It didn't take him much to understand "Arohi, you are drunk!"

"Haww! Drinking is bad habit, Captain. I am not bad girl"

Arjun closed his eyes "Arohi, tell me where are you? I am coming to get you"

"I am liking it here. Ooo Yeahh" she screamed making him distance mobile from his ear.

"Is there anyone near you?"

"Yes. People. So many people. I don't like people" She chuckled.

Arjun took a deep breath trying to remember her friends names " Shefali there with you?"

"Ya! Why? You find Shefali hot, right? That's why you are asking about her!"

Arjun closed his eyes calming himself "Arohi I need to know your location. Give your mobile to her"

"That's my favorite song" she shrieked and after that line was dead.

"F***" Arjun groaned and tried calling her again but his calls went unanswered. He finally called her driver to know about her whereabouts.

In record time of 15 minutes he was standing outside the pub, her driver mentioned. He was wearing a black cap and had fake beard plastered over his chin on order to disguise himself. He entered inside and looked around for his wife. He again tried calling her but all in vain.

"Oops! I am sorry." Someone hit on his shoulder while passing. He could recognize the voice and he instantly turned and he knew he will be forever scarred with what he saw in front of her.

Holding two shots in her hands Arohi was grooving on the music. Her dress was flaunting her curves really well. Not even in his million dreams he had imagined Arohi looking like this.

His blood boiled when a guy from nowhere came and started dancing with her. He marched towards her and dragged her with elbow to his side while glaring at the guy. The guy went away but Arohi was unfazed as she kept on dancing.

"Arohi" he shook her.

She stopped dancing and looked at him for few seconds "You know my name?"

He nodded and opened his mouth to speak but she spoke first.

"Oh my God! I am popular" she grinned "this calls for one more shot"

Arjun held her hands "Arohi! No"

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