Tashan, Glares and Dance

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Arohi sighed as she was finally alone in the room. Since the time they had arrived at resort, she had hardly found a moment with herself.

The wedding was just one day away and considering this day as almost over, tomorrow is her wedding!!!!

She stood up from the bed and walked towards the full length mirror looking at herself carefully for the first time.

She felt like a cake with the amount of makeup applied on her face. She hated make up but now that she was marrying The Arjun Singhania so she was supposed to look a certain way!

She twirled admiring the great work done by Nina. Her outfit consisted of a alice blue lehenga with copper motifs matching to her copper choli. Nina gave her a perfect princess moment. She thought smiling to herself.

A set of diamond earrings was adorning her ears

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A set of diamond earrings was adorning her ears. But her most favorite thing was the three stoned half mangtika.

She admired her henna filled hands. During the mehandi ceremony earlier today she was told by one of the old lady, that darker the color of mehandi, deeper the love of husband. And she can only scoff now seeing her dark red hands.

"How amazing it would have been if she was actually marrying a prince and not a beast!" She thought wryly.

But her words changed the minute she saw Arjun in an ice blue cowl neck sherwani. He looked nothing less than a Prince.

The minute he looked at her with scowl, she recognized the beast in disguise. She gave him a tight smile sat beside him on wooden swing.

"I am sure this swing will be broken by end of night" he commented leaning near her ear.

She gave him a sharp look "not sure about swing but if u didn't control ur shitty mouth then ur face will definitely be broken!"

They both gave each other tashan-ed look. To anyone else it must have look like a couple sharing some light romantic moment if only they knew...

Their romantic eyelock (note sarcasm) was broken by his cousin Gauri's announcement. There was big setup in front of swing with lots of lights and blings kind of stage for performances she guessed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, so our special guests of the evening are finally here!" Everyone applauded and cheered for them.

After that what followed was several dance performances by friends and family.

Arjun's parents and her father gave a funny yet powerful performance. Arjun's father never came across as someone who would dance but he danced amazingly. She was grinning throughout the performance but Sadu as usual had no expressions on his face.

Being Mrs. SinghaniaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora