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"Hey Captain" Arjun's back stiffened as he willed himself to look back at Amit. He shook his head refraining himself to dive deeper in memories. He concentrated on Amit as he discussed about some bowling action. After a very hectic net practice the team went back to hotel. It has been 6 days they landed in Sydney where they were going to play their first game against West Indies.

Opening the door of his room, Arjun fell on bed feeling dead tired with all the practice. As the weariness of the day started washing out in the comfort of bed, his thoughts wandered to one person who held his heart clutched in her hands. He has no memory of last 6 days. He didn't let himself think about whatever happened on his last night in India. He threw himself in the vigorous practice and team meetings, the planning and plotting but today he can't help but think about her and that doomed night. He had never known that you could feel real pain in your chest. As the cloud of anger disappeared after the initial shock, all he felt was disappointment and hurt. Arohi had her chances to tell him truth. He believed that their relationship was a transparent one. He told her about his reasons to marry her while she kept him in dark letting him believe that she did everything for her father's happiness while it was always about money! The feeling of betrayal has left his chest hollow.

He pulled out his mobile and stared at his blank screen debating with himself whether to call her not. There was no lie in that he missed her. She was only one he had been this close to. He loved her. Still do. There is lot of bitterness in him right now but there is little part of him hoping that all this is a bad dream.

Going against his mind's judgements he tapped on Arohi's name making a call to her. But before call could even connect he tapped the red button dropping the call. He threw his mobile away and closed his eyes frustrated with all the pressure and mess.

He doesn't know what to trust anymore–the Arohi who was never used a penny of his or the Arohi who took 80 lakhs from his father to marry him?

He sat upright "why will Dad give Arohi 80 laks to marry me? Did he–" his mind raced to probable reasons and he felt new anger surfacing inside him for his father, for himself. Why didn't he asked this question before? Obviously his father took advantage of Arohi's situation. She must be in need of money and his dad did what he knew best!

"Why can't you for once Arjun Singhania, think before you act?" He brushed his fingers through hair. The least he should have done was to let her explain but he reacted in his typical fashion. Not wanting to hear anything and holding his notions higher.

He searched for his mobile which he had thrown away earlier. He needed to ask Arohi. Talk to her. Hear her. He groaned fumbling through the sheets to spot his mobile. Just as he found it under the pillow there was a knock at his door.

He opened it to find one of the team management member "Coach is calling you. Urgent discussions"

He tucked the mobile in pocket and followed the person to Coach's room.

The next day being the opening ceremony of World Cup, Arjun had to travel to Melbourne where the ceremony was to take place while the team stayed behind in Sydney. He had an early morning flight. All 11 teams Captains were to reach at the venue.

There were many performances of renowned artists of Australia. The flags of each country were to go first held by a person in respective country's uniform and then each Captain was escorted by a kid to the center stage just beside the flag.

"Arjun Singhania. Captain-Team India"

Arohi's heart swelled on seeing him after so long on her television screen. Wearing a white shirt, a blue tie with black pants and a blue blazer with team India's logo he walked amidst the loud cheer by crowd. It felt like he had aged in last 7 days. She earnestly heard what commentators had to say about her husband and like a proud wife she beamed on hearing their praises for him.

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