Look at her now

Start bij het begin

"Err, yeah this is. Who am I speaking to?"

"Oh I do apologise! I am the secretory of president of the hero council and I'm just calling on behalf of Mr. Seo" straightening yourself after hearing the that the hero council was calling you, you urged her to carry on.

"Ah I see, did he want his book back?"

"Book? He has asked me to tell you to attend the Azalea festival with him. He wanted to ask you personally but since the Phantom attack he's been quite busy" she explained. The head of the hero council... wants to go to the Azalea festival... with me?!

"Sorry, am I hearing this correctly? Kangj- Mr. Seo wants go to the festival with me?"

"That is correct, Miss L/N" she answered calmly. You didn't know how to answer as you opened and closed your mouth in hopes that anything plausible will come out.

"... I need an answer now so that I can open up his schedule before it gets too filled up-"

"Y-yes! I'll be happy to go with him" you instinctively said, not know whether your decision was the best or not.

"Thank you for your co-operation, Miss L/N. Mr. Seo will be happy to hear that you agreed" after saying goodbye, you ended the call and stared off into the corner as you tried to sort your thoughts. You couldn't carry on as your phone started to ring once again.


"Hey, where are you?" Disoriented, you looked at your phone once more and saw that Namjoon was calling you this time.


"Yes? Are you still not ready?" Looking down at yourself, you realised you still weren't dressed and quickly you remembered that Namjoon offered to drive you to Athena.

"I'm not ready yet! I'll be out in 10 minutes!" And with that, you ended the call and quickly got dressed before going up to get your suitcase.

Outside, Namjoon stood beside the small black van and waited '10' minutes for you. Once he saw you walk through the doors, he immediately smiled seeing your arm back to normal.

"Glad that you're back" he stated while coming over to help you with your bags.

"Me too, actually. By the way, what's with the van? We only need a car for us" you asked after noticing the size of the vehicle.

"Well... it's not just 'us'" walking over to the van, he knocked on the black tinted windows which made the doors slide open to reveal two familiar faces.

"Y/N!" Jungkook and Jimin jumped out of the van and ran over to you. It had been awhile since you saw Jimin as he did visit you once in the beginning but the last time you saw Jungkook was when he got taken.

"Jimin! Jungkook!" Thinking that they were going to get a hug from you, they were surprised to feel a hard slap on their foreheads.


"What was that for?!"

"That was for avoiding me for days and that was for being stupid and getting captured by the enemy because of me" you explained while pointing at them.

"You don't even have a power that can defend yourself! At least with me I can fight back. Also, Jimin avoiding you was my fault... so let him off" the brunette owned up for his actions while looking away in shame.

"No, it was still my fault for avoiding you as a choice. It won't happen again" the pink haired hero defended Jungkook.

"Why were you even avoiding me in the first place? What's this have to do with Jungkook?" Still confused, you pressed on.

"Err... anyway, we have another person to apologise to you" Jimin changed subjects before gesturing to the van.

"Come on out!" You were wary at who else would need to apologise to you and then it hit you when you saw the familiar blue locks. Immediately, you ran behind the two heroes while the 'villain' stepped out of the vehicle, smiling apologetically at you.

"He's on our side now, Y/N. You don't need to be afraid" the ice hero tried to reassure as he went over to stand next to him.

"Our side? What do you mean?" You asked scared for your safety.

"It's a long story but he saved me, Y/N. He wants to be a hero now and he's really sorry for what he did to you" the copy hero added.

"... I'm really sorry for what I did. I thought I was on the right side because we had similar views on the hero council but not to the point that they want to kill the head of the council" walking over to you, the two heroes that were shielding you moved aside to let him get closer.

"... do you truly want to be a hero?"

"I, Kim Taehyung, want to be a hero... with the help from you guys, of course" this made you chuckle at his nervousness and you thought that perhaps he was being genuine.

"You're going to have to try and make me trust you, Taehyung"

"Please, call me V"


E/n: ~♡♡

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