Crossguard VII

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Light as a feather summed up how you felt in Kylo's arms when he lifted you from the cot you rested on. You insisted you were capable of walking, but Kylo thought other wise the moment you were released... or, at least, you assumed you were; you weren't sure if Kylo pulled an I am the Supreme Leader, release her! card on the doctors.

Quietly resting against his warm chest as you felt his beating heart against you, the sound of a door whooshing open caught your attention. Looking over to it, you realized you were now in Kylo's private quarters.

"You must be starving," he said as he carefully settled you on his sofa. "I'll order us dinner to eat in here."

Watching him walk away, behind you into his bedroom, you studied his room. Everything was still in its original place, nothing being out of order. Almost as if someone hadn't lived there. You wondered as to why...

Your eyes then wandered to the stars. You gazed at them, admired their shine in the void. It made you smile. Something so beautiful found in such darkness... much like Kylo.

Hearing footsteps approach you, ripping you from your deep thoughts about stars and their relation to Kylo, the man on your mind appeared before you... and with his helmet in hand. You couldn't help but smile in excitement as he had handed it over to you before sitting beside you.

"I figured you'd want to see it."

Eagerly nodding, you looked at it with such awe, "still so beautiful and intriguing..."

Watching you, Kylo leaned in and left a long lasting kiss on your temple. "I fear you like it far more than you like me."

"To be fair, it didn't come after me for taking something," you shrugged as Kylo sighed, leaning back in his seat and nearly sinking.

"Oh, stars..."

Looking over at him and softly smiling, you leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I like you more," you whispered, earning a subtle blush from him. "You are my boyfriend... or, at least that's what it feels like."

Looking over at you, heart trying to steady from its race, Kylo eyed you, "you want us to be..."

"Well, you aren't my husband, yet!" You teased, but Kylo's face turned a deeper shade of red.


"Oh—" hearing a ring from his door, Kylo quickly stood up to answer. Did you really consider him a boyfriend? Let alone... have you considered... marrying him?

He knew he was being given far more than he deserved. And that scared him.

Deep in thought as a pair of droids made their way inside to deliver the meal, Kylo stood in a trance, not realizing he had been. The food had filled the air with its aroma and the sound of the droids exiting the room didn't seem to be enough to catch his attention.

"This looks delicious," you spoke, now standing by his side and nearly startling him. "Let's eat," you said as you gently placed your hand on his bicep, causing him to shiver.

Kylo took the seat beside you, too deep in his thoughts of love and marriage to even realize he, too, had been starving.

Had this truly affected him that much? To the point he couldn't even engage in a conversation with you? Let alone, act normal?

Kylo stayed silent most of the night, a silence that didn't bother you. It wasn't heavy in the air, but you knew Kylo's mind was else where. "This is a nice date," you teased, hoping to catch his attention.

And you did. He instantly looked at you as he sucked in a sharp breath. "I apologize... I have—"

"It's okay, I'd be just as surprised if you mentioned marriage," you shrugged, causing Kylo to nearly whine in his sigh. He was unsure how he was able to manage winning your heart, you were much too pure and passionate for a man as jagged and irrational as himself.

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