Passionate Aggression (NSFW)

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Matt is a much more passionate "lover" than anyone believed.

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The sound of lightsabers colliding and sizzling filled the still air, nothing but low panting followed shortly as two figures battled it out on the center matt. Far off, on the sidelines, stood six lifeforms, dressed in all black, every inch of their bodies hidden with helmets on and weapons in tow.

Eagerly watching the dance before them, the way the two figures fought, blocked each others attacks, swung and twirled their lightsabers, the Knights of Ren mentally applauded their newly appointed member. The apprentice of Kylo Ren.

After the battle of Crait, Kylo and his Knights searched far and wide for a newly awakened Force user. Now, over a year later, you found yourself stripped of your birth name and finding a purpose in the vast galaxy.

Disarming your Master, you stood straight as you sucked in a breath, deactivating your lightsaber and faintly smirking.

In the distance, on the opposite end of the one-way window that partially circled the training space, Matt stood there with a fluttering heart. The way you moved so fluidly, how you fought with such precision and accuracy, he couldn't help but get caught in a trance. As he always had every single time you trained and he so happened to pass by.

Matt told himself he only watched just to see his own brother get taken down by his own apprentice, but he knew very well that wasn't the case. Partially, it was the faint desire to Kylo lose, but mainly... the sight of you in action had his heart racing.

"There goes Matt being a creep. What a creep." Quickly spinning around, Matt glared at the stormtrooper who walked by. "Just imagine the Commander catching you staring at her, not even the Supreme Leader could save you then."

"Fuck off, bucketbrain!" Matt snapped as the stormtrooper snickered, leaving the technicians sight. Huffing, Matt turned back and peeked through the window, seeing the Knights gathered up before their Master, discussing a matter. His eyes scanned the group, only for his eyebrows to furrow. Where had you gone? Did you leave? "Dammit!" He hissed.

"Group meetings are totally fun to watch when you can't hear them." Jumping at the sound of your voice, Matt spun around and leaned up against the one-way window, staring down at you in shock. "Do you know you are the loudest man in the entire organization? Louder than your own brother."

Gulping, Matt felt his chest tighten. "Uh... You don't know how loud I can actually get."

Tilting your head while furrowing your eyebrows, you eyed him. "I just heard you yell fuck off, bucketbrain! from within the training room. I don't think you know how loud you can get, technician."

Watching you cross your arms, Matt's eyes slowly trailed down to your glistening chest, your sweat coating it causing his chest to cave in. "Is that a challenge?" He asked, snapping his eyes back up to meet your own.

You couldn't help but grin, holding in a laugh as you shook your head. "You're very strange..." Patting his arm, you turned and walked off, Matt watching you leave as his eyes trailed your form from head to toe. Growing stiff, Matt adjusted the pants of his jumpsuit with a small, disgruntled whine.

"Why are you here?"

"FUCK!" Jumping in his spot yet again, Matt turned around and hissed. "Third fucking person, what the fuck..." He mumbled, pinching his nose before looking at his brother.

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