Ellia II

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A/N: As requested, here's a part two!

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There was a familiar scent that had latched its self on to your left pillow—the extra pillow that you hadn't used... but he did.

It had been over a month since the whole... experience had begun. Over a month since your bedsheets had been sent to the laundry once a week, only for the scent of Kylo Ren to be completely embedded into the pillow itself. There was no way of removing it and, at this point, you found yourself smelling it rather than staring at it.

What was the smell, anyway? It was something he used on him... his shampoo, of course, but what was the scent?

You shoved your face deep into the pillow once again after you had rolled away, convincing yourself you needed to stop. But you were addicted. He smelt so good and you just wanted... more?

So you sniffed and sniffed. Inhaled his scent as if you hadn't been breathing. It was addictive, and if you weren't so drawn to the damn man and his scent, you would've known this was quite odd. Especially since he wasn't yours to begin with.

"Ugh..." You groaned into your pillow, knowing it was flat out wrong to smell the Supreme Leader's pillow as if it was your favorite candle. Forcing yourself on to your back and rubbing your face, your heart suddenly plummeted at the sound of a giggle.

"Mama, why you smell pillow?" Hearing Ellia's voice, you took in a deep breath. Oh, how you should have seen this coming. You should've expected Ellia to pop in. It had become a habit of hers when she learned your chambers code and used anything (or anyone) to help her get in.

"I wasn't... smelling the pillow." You lied, sitting up and instantly growing wide eyed. "Kylo!" Seeing the man lingering behind his daughter like a shadow, your heart skipped a beat. "Uh... Why are you... here?"

Standing there in silence as his eyes lingered from you, to the pillow he claimed as his own, a very subtle—almost invisible—tug of the corner of his mouth made you bite your tongue.

So what if you were smelling his pillow? It smelt good! Nothing beyond that!

"You are missing from your required rounds." Kylo finally spoke, shifting his eyes to meet your own. "You've been missing for half an hour."

Blinking, your eyebrows lifted. Had time really flown that quickly? "Kriff..." You hissed under your breath, rubbing your face. So much for being a good pilot.

"Ellia was eager to see you in the hangar but was... confused as to why you weren't there when you normally are." Kylo explained as you turned your focus down to the dark haired, rosy-cheeked, little girl that gazed at you with a dimpled grin.

"Is that so?" You asked her with a gentle smile as she nodded.

"Daddy say I see you! But you not there!" She explained with a shrug before pointing at you. "You here... smelling pillow!"

Suddenly, you felt your smile drop. "I wasn't..." looking up at Kylo, seeing him look away and focusing elsewhere, you sighed, "would you like to join me?"

At that, you caught Kylo's attention once again. He was more than positive you were talking to his daughter, but the idea still made his heart race. "Join you? I don't think—"

"She mean me! I want! I want!" Ellia eagerly bounced in her spot, turning to tug at her father's leather-like pants. "Please!"

Switching his eyes between you and Ellia, eyeing the way his daughter gave him a pleading look—much like how she did each time she wanted to see you—he huffed before mentally cursing at himself. "Only for one round. One round only. When she is done, you will join me for my trip to Dromund Kaas."

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