Earth Girl

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hi!!! i love your writing so much! i love reading your stories when im anxious or sad cause always makes me feel better. anyway, i was wondering if you could write something with kylo ren/reader, where the girl is from earth and they meet ((something with the force?? idk)) and he falls in love with her????? stupid but i think it would be cute. you are awesome!! ((sorry for my bad english))


You've always believed there was more out there than just the stars. Outside of your obit and away from the solar system. There had to have been. Earth couldn't have been the only place to have life forms... The vast universe would be quite a lonely place if that were true.

And it made you feel small.

All throughout your life you were taught that you weren't the only one. That plenty of others went through what you went through. That it was common. That everyone dealt with something. But, for some reason, as the years passed you by... it felt more and more like a lie. No one knew you, no one was like you. You were the only one.

The only one to woke up in the morning and feeling as if something was there when there wasn't. The only one to go to sleep and feel as if something was missing. The only one to feel as if her life was split and that the other half was drifting out there—not within the air or in the clouds—but out amongst the stars.

It always felt like that. Since as far as you could remember, as if something was there but that something was also missing. And you could never explain as to what it was.

Sitting in the backyard of your small home, hearing the crickets chirp as you eyed the night sky and nearly every star visible, you let out a small sigh. It was almost as if you weren't the only one there, sat, gazing at the stars. Sure, plenty of people admired the stars from afar, but if felt like that missing piece of you was doing it, too.

Sucking in a small breath and standing up, eyeing the moon before you turned to walk back into your home, you shut the door behind you before aiming for your bedroom. You had lived quite far from others, in a secluded area surrounded by trees and nature. Although it was a bit terrifying at night, nowhere else felt right for you. You never felt as if you had fit in to that life... That world you were living in. Nothing ever felt right.

Not you, not your being, not your job and not the life you had. It felt as if this wasn't the way it was supposed to be. As if you weren't meant for the life you had. A piece of you, deep down inside of your heart, felt as if you were meant for more. That you deserved more.

But you could never find more

Slipping your feet out of your shoes and flopping onto your bed, face planting, you turned your head enough as you lazily lied there. Diagonal, on your stomach, you frowned to yourself as you lied in silence. Your room—although small—felt too much for one person alone.

"Another day..." You told yourself. The same two words you always repeated, reminding yourself that maybe tomorrow would be different for you. Just maybe. Even if today and yesterday were the same.

Falling asleep the way you had been lying down, you were sent into a world of memories—but, not your own. A flurry of images filled your mind, you couldn't grasp onto any of them, but... from what you saw, a man stood out. A brooding man. Tall, pale, dark hair... But you could never see his face. Everything was moving too fast for you to even catch onto something else other than three features.

But, as soon as you thought that, you suddenly saw a pair of honey brown eyes, looking right into your own pair as if—whoever they were—was inches away from you.

Kylo Ren | Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now