Lucky Ones

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Well I was thinking Lucky Ones by Lana Del Rey with Kylo? I just really love the lyrics and it gave me sort of a soulmates/destine to be together vibe! If it's too vague or not inspiring it's okay I totally get it! I was just curious :)


Your head felt heavy, body exhausted from the long hours of work, nearly doing nothing and sitting behind a monitor. Eyes burning, begging to be closed and to stay that way for hours on end until they felt relief. It wasn't like you didn't expect this when you signed up for the First Order, you just didn't expect it to be so... draining.

It was easy work, monitoring radars, keeping data and transferring the material. Very easy stuff, but also, very time consuming when you had to keep your eyes peeled for the eight hour shift. But, you couldn't complain. There was a bed to rest on, a roof over your head, food in your stomach... You were alive. You were surviving. Anything was better than your old home. Anything was better than being surrounded by nothing but heat, humidity, cranky old people and creatures... and the sheer boredom.

Resting your chin in one palm as your cheek lay on the other, you took in a deep breath through your nose and exhaled through your mouth, causing the loose strands of hair that tickled your nose to fly over to your left cheek. Groaning at the tingling sensation on your nose that was caused from the hair that once brushed against it, you rubbed your face before sitting up straight in your spot, eyeing the radar. Nothing was different, everything was the same. Scanners scanning. Radar spinning along the screen. All was well... as it always was from your sector.

Stretching your arms above your head as you heard your back crack, earning a faint moan from your lips that you quickly covered, you suddenly heard a pair of voices speaking from the distance. It was rare to even hear speaking. Everyone was usually half asleep, sleeping, secretly listening to music through small ear pieces or... actually working. Plus, no one bothered visiting the radar sector, there wasn't much fun nor was there action.

Rolling your shoulders and neck, you heard the voices grow closer. They were quite strong, one sounded mechanical... although a hint of a feminine voice came through, you assumed whoever it was was talking through a helmet. Then, there was the other. Deep, heavy, thick...It sent a shiver down your spine just at the sound of it. Authoritative and very confident. Whoever they were, must've been an upper ranking officer with that sort of tone in their voice. You didn't know many of the lower ranking officers who sounded so assured with their words. Most of the time, your colleagues kept quiet and low. Spoken only when spoken to. Did what they had to do, living monotonous lives without a question.

But, who were you to speak? You did the exact same thing... And you chose to. No one forced you, no one raided your home village, no one pointed a blaster to your head and threatened your life. You heard a call and answered it. You wanted change. You needed the change. And this was your best bet... Better than waiting.

Shifting in your seat, trying to a find a better position that didn't numb your foot (that you so happened to be sitting on), the voices grew even closer.

The sector you were on wasn't entirely closed off, anyone could walk through as they pleased. On either end was an elevator and a few doors that lead to different hallways. You were smack in the middle. It was awkward but so uniformed. Rows and rows of officers working. It truly felt like an office job... For a military organization.

"I will have my men ready in no time." Hearing the smooth and altered voice speak up, you lifted your attention. Your eyes slid past the shiny, chrome armor... but your eyes didn't land there. No, the second you looked over your shoulder, your eyes landed on a heavy gaze. A pair of dark eyes that locked onto your own. Your heart skipped a beat, your breath caught in your throat and your stomach turned. Whatever beasts that lived within it and were dormant for so long were woken up by the sudden shudder. They were free, running around, making your chest tighten as your heart was tossed around by the wild creatures that lived inside of you. Never had you looked into a pair of eyes so... mesmerizing.

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