Earth Girl II (NSFW)

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It was indescribable, it couldn't have been real, it must've been impossible. Yet, Kylo had his lips against your own and you could've sworn you were on some astral plane, as if you were no longer lying on your bed on Earth. It felt too... perfect.

And it terrified either of you. For something that seemed far-fetched, that you were positive couldn't have happened, happened. Your entire body tingled, from head to toe, and your lips were on fire. If only the kiss could've deepened...

But, the sad part was, when you pulled away, Kylo was no longer there.

It broke your heart. What if it was all but a dream? What if you imagined it? It couldn't have been... you could feel his lips still on yours, and your imagination wasn't that strong to have you feeling something.

It happened. It was real. And the fact that the two of you were able to... cross some sort of boundary, that must've aggravated whatever outside Force and snapped both of you out of the connection.

For once, you slept well, with a smile on your face and no storm cloud above your head. And that presence that you felt was there but missing, it was Kylo. You knew it to be him.

Maybe all this time... it was him trying to reach out. Trying to find you and bring you two together. And maybe, just maybe, he went through what you had.

That morning you woke up in a good mood with a positive attitude. You whistled a tune while you cooked breakfast and sang in the shower. You even smiled at work. And that rubber band that felt like it wanted to snap was no longer being stretched out. Your day went swiftly and you actually had a good day.

Everything was fine, from the moment you woke up to the moment you went to bed. That is, of course, until you realized Kylo had yet appeared. Maybe he was busy being a... Supreme Leader, was it? Yeah. That. Maybe he was busy running that whole organization he told you about.

Not thinking too deeply into it, you went to bed with a smile again, then woke in a good mood. And you did that for a good three days straight... But, just as you thought things were going good for you, they began to fall apart.

Not once had you seen Kylo since the kiss and you were starting to grow anxious. Did the kiss scare him away? It wasn't like you were the one who initiated it... It was him who pulled you into it...

Maybe he didn't feel what you felt? Maybe that pushed him away? Maybe... you weren't good enough. Earth Girl was nothing and some alien—or whatever the hell they consider themselves from the end of the universe Kylo was from—was better than you. That he found someone else.

You tried telling yourself that he'd come back, that he hadn't left you, that you weren't alone once again. You told yourself he was a very busy man and maybe the connection was having some odd issues. You wouldn't be surprised, right? It took this long for either of you to find each other...

But the days had passed you by and you were growing miserable once again. What if the universe just didn't want any sort of happiness for you? What if you were meant to be alone and on your own forever? That was going to be a sad forever for you, wasn't it?

Hearing the faint rainfall in the distance as the late night showers had come down, you lied on your side, trembling with tears streaming down your cheek bones and over the bridge of your nose. You felt like a complete wreck, as if your heart had broken... And the sad part was, you had fallen in love with a man you had only known for a few days. It wasn't like you just realized you loved him now. No, you had fallen the moment your eyes met his, when you felt something grow within your heart and burst into your veins.

But, you must've had the worst luck, because not even a man from another end of the universe loved you back.

Turning onto your back and rubbing your face from your free falling tears, wanting them to stop—although they hadn't, not for a good two hours—you let out a small whine as you whimpered. You just wanted someone there for you, to be with you, to free you from your loneliness. You wanted to get lost in someone. To be in love and for them to love you just as much. But it seemed as if that were too much to ask from the damn universe.

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