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Biker boyfriend Kylo is always there for you.

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There was something quite pleasing of the sensation the liquor had burning down your throat. The way your focus hazed for a moment as your eyes squinted from the sting. It was a sort of reminder that the liquid gold would be a temporary fix: something that was much needed.

Standing amongst friends at a high table, all surrounding its circle, the four of you downed the clear shots in sync. With a countdown starting from three, you soon found yourself giggling and wiping your chin. What number was this one? Four? Five? You couldn't remember... You just knew you were having a good time and that was all that truly mattered to you.

"Let's go dance!" Your dear friend, Kaydel, called out. She waved her hand to the other two before reaching for you, your stumbling form following after. Your body was already burning, and dancing wasn't the best add on, but who said no to dancing at a club? That wasn't very much like you.

Your body swayed to the music, pressed closely against all the rest. Though you weren't claustrophobic, you were sure that—if you were sober—you would've suffocated. Instead, you moved with the beat and your friends, you felt your body nearly break into a sweat as your skin burned. With the thin and body tight dress you had been wearing, it still seemed as if it was too much clothing to wear, when it wasn't.

"I think I need a breather!" You called out over the music, already three songs in. Kaydel, and your other two friends—Rey and Rose—all nodded. "I'll be by the table!" You pointed before slipping away.

Sucking in a deep breath, nearly falling lightheaded, you shook it off and walked away. Fanning yourself with your hand, eyeing the table you claimed for the night, you decided to get some water in your system instead as you turned towards the bar.

The music pounded heavily in your ears, but it seemed as if the newfound headache pounded louder. You knew it was reaching that time to go, almost two in the morning on a Friday night, and your bed was calling... But, it was Kaydel's birthday and you knew how far into the night the ladies went...

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked as you snapped out of your thoughts, leaning an elbow onto the metal surface.

"Water, please." You nodded as the man nodded back, waiting a good minute before he came back with the glass. "Thanks!" At that, you turned and took a large sip, just about ready to walk back to your table, only to feel some crash right into you.

"Sh— Shit! S— Sorry!" The voice boomed as your eyebrows narrowed, thankful that it was just water that spilled over than anything else. "Shit... Shit!" Not realizing you had a man now in your arms—a man much too big to be in your arms—your eyebrows lifted as he looked up at you. "Sorry..." His voice trailed.

Feeling a blush creep on to your cheeks as you looked into his honey brown eyes, your heart skipped a beat as you scanned his face for a moment. The scattered freckles on the pale skin, expressive eyebrows that were raised, a dark mane that surrounded his head... a mean scar and... those lips? They were awfully pink...

"Heh—" He snickered, a smirk growing on his lips as he noticed your gawking before straightening himself up. "Nice blush."

"Huh?!" You nearly panicked, clutching your face and dropping the glass... although never hearing it shatter.

"I may be... a little drunk... but my reflexes are still up to par." The man said, handing you the now empty cup. A bummer for you as your throat now desired the cold liquid that was now puddled at your feet.

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