Bloodline III

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"Ben? Ben, you in there?!"

Sitting at his balcony, beer bottle in hand as he rested his forehead against his palm, the sound of knocking on his front door echoed in his head.

"I know you must be in there! Your mailbox isn't stuffed and Phasma said you were home!"

Growling, Kylo stood up straight as he took a swig of his beer, head pounding as his eyes throbbed.

"Please, open up! You may have been a shit brother, but you still mean a lot to me!"

Tightening his grip around his beer bottle, Kylo turned on his heel and walked back into his home, towards the front door.

"I am not leaving until—"

"What?!" Kylo hissed, spotting his little sister standing before him, a sigh of relief on her face before it suddenly contorted into anger.

"You son of a bitch!" She snapped, shoving the gruff man back into his home. Kylo's hair was touching his shoulders as his facial hair grew rugged. His eyes were red and his skin looked bruised.

"That's your mother you speak ill—"

"Where the fuck have you been for over three months?! You use me to get to my daughter's pediatrician, then you suddenly disappear?! Rhea has been sad because her uncle hasn't appeared! Do you understand how much making my baby girl hurt makes me want to kick you in the balls?!" She snapped, earning a shocked look from Kylo as she snatched his beer away. "Expect much more from where that came from because I hold back a lot of my curse words around my daughter!"

"She knows."

"What?" Rey shook her head as she let out a deep breath.

"Your daughter's pediatrician. She knows. I told her the truth," Kylo confessed as Rey blinked. "And she also knows who I really am."

Sucking in a breath and pinching her nose, Rey shook her head. "Ben—"

"Don't say I told you so," he snarled. "I already know. I fucking know that."

Sealing her lips, Rey rubbed her forehead. "Come," grabbing his hand, she guided him to his couch. "Tell me the truth."

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he was forced to sit beside his sister.

"Do you love her?" She asked as Kylo narrowed his eyes. "It's not absurd. Tell me."

"I—" Shaking his head, Kylo was tongue tied. "She was my best friend!"

"I fell in love with my best friend. That's no excuse," she crossed her arms. "Do you love her?"

"I d— I—" Huffing, Kylo dropped his head as his fingers tugged at his hair. "Yes."

Settling his beer bottle down on the coffee table, Rey sat there for a moment. She eyed her brother, how tired he seemed. How sick he looked. He was killing himself over the situation.

"But that doesn't matter. She hates me..." Kylo nearly whispered.

"How are you so sure?" Rey asked.

"She said to never come near her again. That says enough," Kylo grumbled.

"What if she said that because she was hurt—"

"That's obvious—"

"Because she grew to love you, too," Rey finished as Kylo froze up.

He shook his head, he knew you wouldn't. You saw him as nothing but a best friend. "No."

Kylo Ren | Reader Insertsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें