Blind Rage

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I just stumbled across your blog and I'm in love with your work! If you're still taking requests; I would like to submit one. During the Starkiller base "battle", Kylo is in love with the reader who is a commander in the first order. After it blows up and he's saved, he doesn't see her anywhere and he assumes she's dead, making him angry and as he's on the verge of turning into a sith, and attacking the resistance cruiser, he feels her presence there. He lands and goes into the ship looking for her, just effing up whomever tries to get in his way. And she senses him too and they run to each other. IDK if she's a prisoner with the resistance or if they took her in, I'll leave that up to you. :) Sorry it's so long lol. But thanks!


It was a catastrophe. Everywhere you looked, someone was getting injured from an explosion. You tried your best to run as fast as you could, find a way out of the base before it was destroyed.

Everything, everywhere you looked, was going into ruins. And you were feeling an array of emotions.

Fear, would you get out alive? Anger, all this hard work on a base only for it to be destroyed by the enemy. Hate, the fact that the Resistance would make a bold move. And... Worry. Where was Kylo? You knew he had gone his own way for his own reasons... but you were terrified that he wouldn't make it out.

More terrified in him than yourself.

Rushing down halls as fast as you could, constantly having to quickly turn before the floor caved in or the ceiling came crashing down, you finally made your way outside, onto the hangar. Where dozens of TIE fighters still sat.

You were no expert in piloting, but, you knew a few things no thanks to Kylo.

Kylo... he had to be out there somewhere. Maybe with the advantage of a TIE fighter, you could so easily scout him out and save him from the imploding planet.

But, before you could even reach a TIE, the ground around you rumbled violently, breaking apart and swallowing the starfighters whole.

Gasping, seeing the world around you fall into ruins, you were just about ready to run in a different direction, only to be knocked out cold by falling debris. Sending you into a world of black as the last thing you saw was the ground caving in.

Grunting on the snowy ground, taking in deep breaths, Kylo's anger had his attention far more than his own injuries.

He was furious in everything. The scavenger, the traitor, his father... his failure. The base falling apart. The Resistance. Everything. He was beyond livid to the point he hadn't even realized he was now being dragged away by a pair of stormtroopers who had been ordered by the General, himself—who had been ordered by the Supreme Leader—to retrieve the Knight.

Taking in deep and heavy breaths, clutching onto his side from the bowcaster wound, he hissed as he was forced to lie down. "You nearly got killed out there." Hux seethed, looking down at Kylo in disappointment. "If it wasn't for the Supreme Leader's orders, I would've left you to rot out there."

Just before Hux could leave the furious Kylo Ren, Kylo held him in his place, his mind going elsewhere, not having time for the General's nonsense. "Where is she?" He asked through a clenched jaw, Hux lifting an eyebrow—at least, if he could if his body wasn't held frozen. "Where is she?!" Kylo spat, allowing Hux to speak.

Kylo Ren | Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now