Long Live The Supreme

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Yay, I'm so excited to see your new work! An idea for a request containing TLJ spoilers: reader can't help feeling a bit jealous and insecure, because of Kylo's force bond with Rey. You can take it however you want! You're amazing and I love everything you do!


There was a distance growing in between you and Kylo. It was suffocating and it was deep. Ever since the fall of Starkiller, he hadn't been the same. There was something off... something you couldn't pinpoint. Yet, he stayed with you.

A part of you feared it was because of you, that he was no longer feeling the same things he once felt before, towards you. That he was losing interest. That you weren't good enough.

Why would Kylo Ren, a Force user, want to be with someone like you? Someone mediocre... someone just like everyone else. A nobody.

It was slowly tearing you apart, your mind was getting the best of you and fear was at hand. You had long nights where you couldn't sleep, back facing him as you lied silently, crying. How had he not sensed your distress?

Then... you found the source to your problems. You had overheard Kylo talking to someone... someone in your living quarters, and your fear skyrocketed.

You were afraid, upset, disappointed... deceived, jealous... insecure, all at once. Had he been cheating on you? Was he falling out of love? It was breaking your heart and you had to distance yourself, you had to save yourself from the pain you knew you'd soon feel.

But, how could you when you loved him? You knew you loved him, you felt it, it was there and it was stronger than any other emotion you felt for him. And it hurt knowing... he didn't want you anymore.

Standing from afar, watching Kylo sitting there, talking, your heart snapped when you recognized the figure. The scavenger.

Covering your mouth and trying not to gasp, your eyes burned with tears as your knees buckled. How was she there? Why was she there? Why were they reaching hands?

Unable to hold back any sounds, a whimper escaped your lips, loud enough to catch either of their attention.

Seeing their heads snap in your direction, you quickly turn and ran. You ran as fast as you could and you didn't stop running. Not for anyone.

You ran down the halls, past stormtroopers and officers, nearly ramming into them, almost tripping over droids rolling by. Your heart was aching in your chest, echoing in your ears as your vision blurred with tears.

How could he do this to you? How could he lie to you?

She was nothing to him. He had told you.

He hated her, he despised her. He wanted her dead for what she had done to him...

Yet... there he was, hands touching as they spoke.

It was replaying in your head and made your chest ache. You were in pain. So much pain. You loved Kylo more than anything.. and this is how he repaid you? By cheating on you?

Whimpering and trying so hard not to collapse in the middle of the hall, you escaped, you tried getting as far away from that room as possible. You couldn't let him find you. You couldn't see him. Not when you were in this much agony.

Turning a corner and reaching a barren room, one that held some of the stormtroopers blasters in, you locked yourself there.

Crashing your back against a wall of blasters, you cried into your hands, knees shaking as your breathing hitched. You wanted to leave the ship, to never look back, to never see him again.

Kylo Ren | Reader InsertsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя