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I've been wanting to write smuggler!ben for some time now and I thought I'd finally get around and do so! I'm thinking of whether or not to make it into a mini series, you guys let me know!

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The hum of the Millennium Falcon sounded within Ben Solo's ears as his prized vessel broke light speed. The streaks of blue lights coming to a stop as they were replaced with the vastness of space and it's glistening stars. "Yet another run done well." Ben smirked to himself, putting the ship on auto pilot, already jumping to the next planet he'd have a few smuggling deals to handle.

Ben had always admired his father's stories of his time smuggling—even experiencing it first hand when he was nine, something Leia wasn't very pleased about. The thrill of carrying a blaster around, flying his own spacecraft, and even outrunning bad guys excited him. Although his mother begged he steer clear of such a... career.

But, to her dismay, he had found himself as one of the greatest smugglers there was. One that even Han admitted to be better than him. Even though he found himself in messy situations, they were seldom.

Smuggling had become his every day sport, joining the Resistance was just a side job he did to please his mother. He only really helped out if they needed the extra pilot or if he knew he could outrun a few First Order laser-brains.

"Sir, you are receiving a holo call from your mother." The droid—M0-19–spoke up.

Letting out a sigh, Ben crossed his arms behind his head and leaned back. "Alright, patch her in, Mo."

Mo was Ben's personal droid—and co-pilot. One Han had given Ben as a "partner". Han couldn't let Chewie go from his side, seeing as he had already handed down the Falcon, and that was a hassle itself. Now Han had his own ship to handle, one he wasn't so fond of, but he at least had Chewie.

"Yes, sir." Pushing away at the buttons, the silver and white droid sat back.

"Ben Solo, where in the galaxy are you?!" Leia exclaimed, eyeing her son with such bewilderment, upset in the fact that she hadn't seen him in a very long time. "It has been over two months since you were home! I knew this wasn't a good idea, especially giving you the Falcon! You'd take advantage of it and-"

"Whoa, mom, relax." Ben waved his hands after lowering them from behind his head, sitting up from leaning back. "I've been very busy." He chuckled, but Leia didn't find it a laughing matter.

"Very busy my ass, you should be here at least once a week to see your mother! And to have a social life! And to help with the Resistance!"


"Ben, you are about to turn thirty. Thirty! Thirty years of what? Are you ever going to get married? Let alone, date? Are you ever going to take a break from smuggling? You've been doing this since you were fifteen! Nearly fifteen years already!" Leia threw her hands in the air as Ben sighed, slouching in his seat.

"First off, dad met you when he was in his late twenties, or whatever... Second of all, fifteen years is nothing compared to dad-"

"Stop bringing up Han!" Leia pointed a finger as she glared. "This is your father's fault, this is. Ever since you were a child and you liked to take things and hide them or claim them as your own, or even trade when you knew you weren't supposed to, Han believed you'd be a smuggler. But I told him that no way in Malachor would you become a smuggler-"

"Well, mom, why else would he nickname me Bandit? And, I hate to break it to you, but you clearly didn't get what you wanted." Ben shrugged as Leia crossed her arms.

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