Crossguard II

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You weren't sure what they had done to you. You couldn't remember how you got from point A to point B. All that you remembered was the six figures bringing you—and themselves—to a shuttle before... well... you found yourself being tossed onto shiny black tiles.

Familiar tiles that belonged to a floor you had seen in (what you believed to be) your hallucinations.

Groaning in pain and the discomfort of your aching body—from hitting your head and whatever else the masked figures had done—you struggled lifting yourself to your feet. Trying to lift yourself to your knees as your palms pressed against the cold floor, you spotted your reflection... then you spotted six others.

"Wonderful service you've given..." you mumbled. "I rate you five stars... great caring for the fragile package."

Hearing a small huff, you lifted your head to see the six of them staring down at you before they all turned their focuses simultaneously before them. "She had the lightsaber."

"Nothing else was on her, she tried to escape," you heard one of the figures add on.

"You may leave us." Recognizing the voice, you shut your eyes for a moment before gulping. You listened to the footsteps descend as you opened your eyes. If he's going to torture me, might as well get it out of the way. He has what he wants back. "You think so little of me."

Sucking in your breath, you lifted yourself enough to be upright and spot the looming figure sitting on the throne. "Why else would I be here? For information? Punishment?"

Eyeing you, Kylo stood from his throne and walked towards you, watching the way your body tensed the closer he grew. "You took what was mine, girl."

"You have it back..." you said as your eyes trailed to his lightsaber, in which he now held. "Unless... of course, you wanted to kill me yourself with it."

"Smart," he spoke, causing you to snap your eyes up towards him. "I considered it, at the moment when I saw you take it. A Resistance soldier bold enough to steal the Supreme Leader of the First Order's lightsaber."

"I am no soldier—"

"Then why were you on the field?" Kylo asked with a small squint of his eyes.

Biting your tongue, you looked down. "I wasn't supposed to be."

"Joining a battle that isn't your own... How bold of you."

Looking back up at him, you narrowed your eyes for a moment. "I wanted to do something. There is no wrong in trying to do whats good."

"Were you doing what was good?" He asked. "You snuck into a fight you weren't meant to take part of."

Huffing as you looked away, still feeling the ache in your body as you grew uncomfortable in the position you sat in, you stayed silent. You weren't sure what the purpose was of having you there when you weren't of any help. You lacked important information, he had his weapon back, and you weren't a Force user.

Crouching before you as you furrowed your eyebrows, Kylo tilted his head as he studied you, causing you to shift in your spot. "Tell me, what is it that you did for them?"

Slowly turning your head to face him, your heart fluttered at how close he was now to you. Much different than his disgruntled form when he was fighting, and much different than the defeated face you saw in that... vision. "Did?"

"You believe you will be returning to them?" He asked, almost as if it were a joke—something he rarely heard.

"Obviously not..." you breathed. Then it hit you... were you casually having a conversation with... Kylo Ren? Had the man not tried to kill you within the two minutes you had been talking? This one is for the books. "I was extra hands. I cleaned and inspected blasters. Gathered information on spacecrafts. Basically clerical work..." You explained, seeing Kylo's flat expression somehow dropping. "What did you expect? Even a girl who doesn't have combat experience can take the galaxy's worst foe's weapon."

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