Red buzzers go off in my head. He's going to do it, Julian's actually going to hurt Declan. no-no. I grab my phone again and fumble to dial nine one one as fast as my fingers will let me and at the same time, I scan the area for anything that can help Declan.

"Shit." I hear Wes say.

That's when I see it across the hallway ten feet away is a fire alarm on the wall. What if it doesn't work? I don't have time to debate whether it works or not. I start running towards it not caring about anything else. Panic consumes me as I see Julian's crony rip off Declan's shirt.

Run Ella run.

I throw my hand down hard and pull the lever. Loud ear curtailing sirens start blazing and the red light on the fire alarm flickers on and off. I cover my ears and run back down the hall towards the boy who holds my heart.

I glance into the big open room to see Julian yelling at his guys most likely giving them orders to figure out what's going on. For a second I let myself feel relief... for right now I've delayed whatever Julian had planned for tonight.

My eyes settle in on my boy and he's looking right at me through all the chaos that's going on. His lips move, forming the word, "Run." But I shake my head I will not leave him.

But what I least expect is for him to smile a real Declan smile. And for a minute my panic decreases. He probably thinks I look like a mess with my face wet with tears and my hair tangled in knots.

He looks away from me for a minute to make sure nobody's watching. Then he lifts up his hands slightly just enough so no one else will notice showing me the slit in the tape. The tape still sticks to his wrists but on the inside where his veins are is a little cut, if he pulls his hands apart the tape will fall right off. There's a small pocket knife in his hand that's he's been hiding. He must have brought it with him.

I can't hear Julian anymore because of the alarm but can see him pointing in directions telling people where to go. Hayes is rushing to put back on his suit top and Wes has a smirk on his face. An actual smirk...throughout this chaos, he looks calm and pleased.

With the fire alarm, the authorities should be here soon. Wes and Declan's connect eyes and then Wes puts two fingers to his lips, kisses them, and lifts them above his head. He then puts them back down. A signal? What? Confusion flows within me.

Guys in leather jackets come flooding in. Some pop out from behind boxes, some come in through the warehouse door that's opened where that huge guy was stationed when I was trying to get in is. They've got guns to just like Julian and his men but they definitely have Julian outnumbered.

Who are these guys? Why isn't Declan and Wes freaking out?

Julian has surprise written all over his face, whatever's happening he didn't expect it and neither did I. What surprised me is Julian looks lost, he obviously doesn't have a plan B and doesn't know what to do. These guys in leather jackets have their guns out and ready to fire.

Julian pulls out his gun and starts yelling things that I can't make out. There's all this noise I feel suffocated.

The guy that was holding Wes has long past let go of him leaving Wes free. Declan rips his hands apart and throws the tape on the floor, he yells something to Wes before connecting his eyes with mine. Then he comes running in my direction.

I'm frozen in place. My emotions are everywhere. Panic, confusion, fear, relief that Declan's alright.

But then something happens. It happens so fast...

I'm running... but I'm slow, I feel so so slow. I can't breathe, I'm suffocating. Pain, excruciating pain consumes me. I can't get to him fast enough, no matter how hard I pump my arms, no matter how hard I push my legs to move faster, I'm still slow.

I'm yelling. I'm screaming my lungs out. It hurts, it hurts so bad. No. Oh my god no.


I'm crying, I'm crying so much I'm drowning in my tears. "DECLAN"

I'm being ripped open. Pure agony surrounds me.

Blood there's so much blood.

"OH MY GOD DECLAN." I'm screaming so loud as the tears fall into my mouth. No.

I fall to my knees on the cement floor before Declan. There's so much blood. To much. His shirt is soaked. I'm screaming. I'm sobbing. I'm breaking. I'm in hell.

His green eyes are staring at me. I throw my hands on the bullet wound putting pressure on his right shoulder. "D-Declan.." The metallic smell stings my eyes. His dad shot him, his own father. I saw it with my own eyes.

"D-don't y-you l-le-leave me." I'm sobbing into his chest. "D-don't y-you d-da-dare."

My heart hurts, it feels shredded. A pain so bad, I've never felt before.

"Ellie." He coos quietly. But I'm sobbing and shaking my head. "I-it's going..t-to be alright."

But I shake my head back and forth. I can hear it in his voice "N-no it's n-not." My body is shaking vigorously. My head is spinning.

"B-baby." His voice cracks.

"Y-you p-pr-promised to n-never leave m-me, y-you promised." I can't. I can't live without him. My tears are mixing with his blood.

"SOMEONE HELP HIM," I scream. "HE...HE NEEDS HELP." I can't even talk.

I'm hugging him so tight. Everything's happening in slow motion. NOBODIES HELPING. Why isn't anybody helping?

Guns shots are being fired, the sirens are blaring. "R-run." He struggles to get out.

"N-no." I sob as Declan's eyes begin to close, "No no no."


I barely hear it but I do, "I" I'm balling. Then I'm screaming again, my throats raw. I feel like I'm going to die. "P-please d-don't l-leave m-m-me."

Please god, please don't take him away from me, not him.

Someone tries to pull me away from Declan but I hold tight. I will not leave him. Never. I hold on for dear life. "Ella." They soothe. But that just makes me wail harder. My chest feels like someone's taking a knife and stabbing my heart.

My body trembles violently. When they pull me a second time it feels like I have no strength. I try, I try really hard. But they are stronger. My hands come undone from around Declan. They pull me right into there chest. My knees are weak so I just fall back onto the hard floor.

Medics surround Declan. When did they get here? How long have I been sitting here? I can't talk anymore, I can't scream for someone to help him anymore. I'm silent, completely silent. I'm going to drown.

"Shh Ella, it's going to be okay." Wes murmurs. But it's not. Nothing's okay anymore. Nothing will ever be okay.


Hey guys! Thank so much for reading my story, if you'd like to continue and read the last three chapters they are on Inkitt! Just follow the link in my bio! It would support me and I'd really appreciate it! You guys honestly mean the world to me!! ❤️

Her Rockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें