I smile and nod and make my way over to their booth. I bow and then leave once the guys take their seats.

I make my way back to the bar and see Minho sipping on some water looking tired.


I laugh.

"Yep. They all drink vodka like it's water. I really hope no one throws up tonight.."

I grab myself a drink as the bar was empty at the moment. I look over at the VIP lounge and I realise that the pointy chin guy kept looking at me and smirking.

I ignore it and carry on talking to Minho.

"I saw your squirrel boy.. he's actually super cute in person.."

I tease Minho and Minho's eyes dart to the VIP lounge.

"Wow he is so cute.. did you get his name?"

I shake my head and Minho sighs.

"Don't worry when I take their drinks up I'll ask.. also why does pizza head keep looking at you.. kinda creepy much.."

I roll my eyes and laugh at Minho's name for the weird man.

"I don't know.. he called me kitten when he entered and I thought I was going to throw up"

Minho laughs and then goes back to looking at the squirrel guy. I looked over to see the guy looking awkward and tense. I guess he doesn't like this sort of thing.

"Lix you should go take their drink orders they look a bit restless."

Minho says and I groan. I really didn't want to go over to pizza head, but it's my job...

I walk over to the VIP lounge and get the attention of the boys and the few girls that were drooling all over them.

"Hello can I take anyones order?"

The girls whisper to themselves and squirrel guy says softly.

"Um can I just get some water.. and maybe if you have any chips?"

I smile and nod my head and he smiles back. I look over my shoulder to see Minho cooing at the boy... already so whipped? I guess Minho thinks this guy is special.

"Don't be a pussy Jisung." I'm guessing that's the squirrel boys name. "I'll have a bottle of Ciroc and a tall glass of.." I was suddenly pulled down onto the pizza mans lap. "You.."

He then bit my ear and I pushed him away with force. However that wasn't good enough because the sharper jawed man chuckled and held me tighter on his lap.

"Excuse me sir, but this is harassment and if you do not let me go I am authorised to call the police."

I say calmly and try to escape from the guys hold.

"Whatever, but isn't it servers policy to keep your customers happy?"

I glare at the man, I look back at Minho who looks like he's about to burst. I'm thankful for Minho because I know he would do anything to protect someone he loved.

"Sorry Sir but that only includes services such as ordering drinks and food. Not any physical contact."

Once again I try to get away from the man.

"What if I'm willing to pay? How much to spend some alone time with a gem like you?"

I sit there shocked at the mans words, what type of person says that?

"I..I'm not some whore. Now l..let me go!"

I try to get away however the man flips me around so I'm on the sofa and he is hovered over me.

He was too strong and I couldn't move. I didn't want to make a scene, but I couldn't help it. I was scared of the man. He was getting closer and closer to me and I felt helpless.

"I guess you've given up kitten. I'll test you out and see how much you're worth. Maybe afterwards I'll keep you arou-"

Suddenly the mans weight was pulled off of me. I heard grunts and smacks coming from the perimeter around me.

"Are you okay?"

I look up to see.. chan?

"Wh..what are you doing here?"

Did he follow me? Why is he he—

"Hey Chan why did you ruin my fun? If you got here sooner you could've called dibs but this guy is mine"

How does pizza face know Chan?

"Shut it Changbin. He's my roommate, so leave him alone. If you want to find someone to sleep with go somewhere else."

Chan seethed at pizza face, whos real name is Changbin.

"Whatever. You've ruined my fun. I'm going." The Changbin Guy came close to me again. "If you ever change your mind Call me."

After Changbin left. The tension in the air was thick. I look over at chan who seemed annoyed as hell. I guess this wasn't a great first impression.

"Hey Lixxie are you okay?"

I hear Minho ask, I get off the sofa and brush myself down.

"Yeah thanks Minho.."

Minho smiles at me then starts to clean up the mess chan and Changbin made as they fought with each other.

I might as well apologise to Chan for causing so much havoc.

"Hey.. chan." I tap him lightly on the shoulder and he turns around with a glass of what looked like whiskey in his hand, his hand was also bleeding. "Oh your hand is bleeding let me help you.."

Chan looked at me with a stone cold face which sent shivers down my spine. However I ignored it because I didn't like the fact he was hurt.

"It's fine."

He says bluntly as he starts to turn back around.

"No let me bandage it up for you."

I grab his arm and pull him to the back of the staff room. I get him a chair and sit him down.

"You're quite feisty aren't you?"

Chan says as I'm looking for the first aid kit.

"I'm not. I just don't like it when people are hurt."

I bring over the sanitising wipes and bandages. I sit in front of Chan and take his hands in mine, once I did I realised my hands are tiny...

"You must've punched Changbin hard to get this..."

I subtly laugh as I wipe his bloody hand.

"I never hit Changbin.. I hate violence. I just pulled him of you and then he swung a bottle at me... what a great band mate I have."

He bitterly laughs, I felt bad for Chan... but then I realise Chan must've been the other guy in the photo. Chan's in 3RACHA? Woah...

"Maybe the fame has just gone to his head? Why don't you talk to him or something..."

I thought the boys were friends, so I was just suggesting that Chan tries to fix Changbin's gropey ways.

"Do you always try to find the good in people?"

Chan asks me plainly.

"Well if I don't I wouldn't have faith in humanity and I think I've just found the good in you Chan.."

Why did I say that? That was so cringy.. Chan's going to think I'm weird...

"Which is?"

I look up to meet his gaze and he's smirking devilishly.

"Well.. you know... you saved me from Changbin and you don't like violence... maybe you're a nicer guy than I thought.."

Chan leans forward and stops my hand from cleaning his wound.

"That doesn't mean I'm a good guy Felix.. if you knew me, you would realise I'm very..very bad.."

I get lost in his deep brown orbs and I didn't realise Chan connected our lips...

Maybe he is kinda bad...

My only possession (chanlix)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon