"Thirty-six. Counted 'em myself." Vernon says proudly.

"Thirty-six?! But last year last year I got thirty-seven!!"

"Oh poor Duddykins." I whisper to Harry. "Only thirty six bloody presents this year. What ever will he do?"

"Yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year!" Vernon tried to explain.

"I don't care how big they are!" Dudley continues to complain.

"Oh, now, now, now. This is what we're going to do, is that when we go out we're going to buy you two new presents! How's that, Pumpkin?" Petunia tried to calm him down.

"Of course he gets what he wants. It's not fair." Harry mutters to me as we continue to make breakfast.

"Life isn't fair, dear brother."

Later that day, after Harry and I served breakfast we get ready to leave for the zoo. As Harry and I sit in our room, I look to him.

"Harry, do you ever wonder if we're where we're suppose to be?" I ask.

"Well according to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia we're in our rightful place." Harry jokes.

"You know what I mean. Like maybe there's more to our lives that we don't know or are unable to see."

"I hope so, Mia. Because Id hate to find out that this," he gestured to the small cupboard we reside in, "is where we're suppose to be."

We step out of our shared room and almost run into our Aunt Petunia. She glares at us as we follow her out to the car.

"This will be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it." She says to Dudley and Vernon.

Vernon then stops Harry and I from getting in the car.

"I'm warning you now, children. Any funny business, any at all, and you both won't have any meals for a week." He scolds, then opens the door for us. "Get in."

We both squeeze in next to Dudley and drive towards the zoo. When we arrive, the family heads to the reptile house. We find ourselves looking at a Boa Constrictor.

"Make it move." Dudley instructs his father. Vernon taps the glass of the cage.


Dudley taps the glass much harder, and Vernon winces. "MOVE!"

"He's asleep!" Harry yells.

"He's boring." Dudley and his parents retreat to another enclosure. Harry and I are left with the snake.

"Sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on you." I say, glancing over at my so called family. The snake looks up and blinks.

"Can you...hear us?" Harry asks. The snake nods. "It's just...I've never talked to a snake before. Do you...I mean...do you talk to people often?" The snake shakes its head.

"You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there, do you miss your family?" I ask. The snake turns its head in the direction of a sign which says, Bred in Captivity. "I see. That's us as well. We never knew our parents, either."

The now awake snake has attracted Dudley's attention. He rips over to the cage, knocking Harry and I to the floor. "Mummy, dad, come here! You won't believe what this snake is doing!!"

Dudley puts his hands on the glass wall. Harry and I, from the ground, glare at him. Suddenly, the glass disappears. Dudley wretches forward.

"Whoa! Ahh! Ahh!!" Dudley falls into the snake enclosure, sputtering in a pool of water. The snake gets out of the exhibit, stopping in front of us.

"Thankssssssss." It says to us.

"Anytime." Harry and I both say.

The snake starts off. There is a lot of screaming as the snake heads for freedom. Dudley gets up to get out, but the glass is now back over the enclosure. He is stuck. He pounds the glass. "Mum, mummy!" He yells.

Aunt Petunia sees him and screams in terror. Dudley continues to cry out, "Mum, help! Help me!"

"My darling boy! How did you get in there?!"

Harry and I look to each other and grin. We then giggle at the sight of our cousin in the enclosure. Vernon glares down at us and our grin disappears.

"How did you get in there? Dudley, oh, Dudley!" Petunia continues to scream.

Back at the Dursley's. Petunia and a bundled up Dudley come in. "It's all right. It's all right." She tells him.

They disappear around the corner. Harry, Vernon, and I  enter the house. Vernon slams the door and shoves Harry and I against a wall, taking out hair.

"Ow!" Harry yells in pain.

"Stop it!" I scream.

"What happened?" He says sternly.

"I swear we don't know! One minute the glass was there and then it was gone!" Harry tried to explain.

"It was like magic!" I add. "Now let go of my brother and I!"

Vernon scoffs and shoves the both of us into our tiny room. "There's no such thing as magic!"

He locks the door and Harry and I just look at each other.

"What did we do?" Harry asked me.

"I... I don't know. Maybe it was the snake." I say and Harry raises an eyebrow at me. "No, seriously. I mean, he could talk!"

"Okay? But how can he make glass disappear and then reappear in the blink of an eye?" Harry asks me.

"Do I look like I have all the answers?" I scoff. Harry falls silent. "Sorry. I'm just scared. What if we did... you know..... do it?"

"It's impossible."

"Well clearly not, because it happened. Whether it was our doing or not."

Harry and Amelia PotterWhere stories live. Discover now