Sixty-Six: Think about it

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Without realizing it, Violet fell asleep on Gilbert's shoulder, so when a new train arrived, Gilbert didn't bother waking Violet up and carried her to the train, of course many people stared but never mind them.

When they got home, Violet woke up mid ride, it was late afternoon.

"Hey, I have to do something, can you bring my stuff home?" Violet said to Gilbert.

"Yeah, Okay." Gilbert replied, taking her stuff.

"Thanks, um, when I get back can over dinner about..." Violet drifted.

"...Yeah, yeah...let's talk over dinner...Will you take long?" Gilbert said to continue her.

"No, it'll only take 15 minutes at most." Violet said.

"Oh, good, I'll start making some dinner...." Gilbert said, awkwardly standing there waiting for her to answer.

"Okay, thanks." Violet said, not knowing what to do next, she turned around and started walking.

Seeing her walk away, Gilbert does the same and heads home.


Gilbert heard that and stopped walking and turned around.

Violet stepped forward towards Gilbert and hugged him.

"You know I love you right?" Violet asked, still hugging him.

Gilbert nodded.

"What you said or rather asked was quite sudden you know." Said Violet.

Gilbert understood what she meant but didn't say anything and just nodded again.

"So please allow me to think it over a little, because...." Violet sighed lightly, taking a breath. "...Give me a few minutes to think and I'll give you an answer-but this doesn't mean that I don't want to marry you, I just thought it would be 'someday''s just that this is...I don't know how to explain it..." Her voice lowered at the end.

Gilbert smiled, he understood, he gently pushed Violet away and looked her in the eyes.

"I understand, it's a big decision. I love you, so I am willing to wait don't worry about me." Said Gilbert, then he lightly kissed her forehead.

Violet smiled, "Thank you."

Then they left each other for 15 minutes, 15 crushing minutes.

Violet wanted give herself a new mind, to just focus on what Gilbert said and not on what Gardarik is planning for her. She went to the CH Post Office.

She knocked on Hodgins' door.

"Come in."

"I'm back Sir." Violet said.

Claudia looked up from his desk and saw Violet.

"Oh, Violet, welcome back." Claudia said, standing up.

Violet gave Hodgins the letter and explained. "My client said that his letter is to be kept here."

"Mm? And why is that?" Hodgins asked.

Violet explained her client's situation.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work this week, have a nice vacation, Violet." Hodgins said.

Violet bowed, "You too." She replied and stepped out the door.

She went inside one of the doll rooms thinking no one is there. She took a seat at a couch and sighed.

"Woah, what's with that sigh?"

Violet flinched, "Iris? When did you come back?"

"Oh, well, my family tried to set me up again with one of the guys there so I decided that it's better to spend my vacation time in Leiden. So what's up with you, what's with that sigh, Vi?" Iris explained.

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