Part Thirty-Five: Thank You

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Violet stopped crying, seeing that there isn't anything to cry about anymore. All the things she did was in the past, yet she wasn't over it just yet.

She felt drowsy from crying, and decided to take a nap on the field, not thinking of the consequence. She closed her eyes and hoped that all will be resolved in the morning.

Leon felt satisfied at the flowers he picked. He payed the man who led him to his garden, even though the man refused. He thought that he should retreat for the day, seeing the sun dawning.

While walking back, he saw a young woman laying on the empty field. He walked closer to catch a glimpse of who this person is.

He recognised this person to be Violet. 'Why is she here?' He walked towards her and knelt down. He dared not to leave her in the night. The climate here is quite different from the city, there was much more breeze here than in closed cities.

He tapped lightly on her shoulder, trying not to startle her. After a few taps, he noticed that she wasn't waking up. He thought that she was just tired or exhausted from whatever she was doing.

He carried her in his arms and walked into the village center and looked for a place to stay. While he was walking, he noticed tear marks on her face. 'What made her cry?'

"Good Evening, Sir. Looking for a place to stay?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, I need a room for the night." Leon replied.

"Just one room?" The woman eyed Violet, who was in Leon's arms.

"Yes, but please give me a futon and an extra blanket. I don't want to leave my friend alone tonight, you see." Leon said, awkwardly.

"Oh yes, of course, sorry for my attitude. I'll get your room ready." She bowed.

"It's okay, and thank you." Leon said, waiting patiently.

Violet wasn't heavy in Leon's arms. He thought that she had a rough day, so he didn't mind helping her out. Violet affected Leon's life and helped Leon realize a lot of things. So in a way, this was a gesture of gratitude.

"Your room is this way, Sir." The lady came back and led him to the room.

"Thank you very much, I'll pay you in the morning." He nodded and went inside the room, closing the door gently.

He layed Violet on the bed, and covered her with the blanket. He put his bag down on the study, and layed down on the futon that was in the floor. He looked up in the ceiling, and thought about his lover that he'll return to the next day.

Smiling, he said. "Thank you, Violet. For everything. "

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