Part Fifty-Seven: Border

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Gilbert woke up first, he cooked some breakfast and woke Violet up.

"Hey, there's breakfast downstairs. Eat before you leave, if you feel light-headed...don't leave okay?" Gilbert said, quite concerned about what happened last night.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I had a good sleep." Violet said smiling at him, trying to not make him worry.

Gilbert smiled hesitantly, "Okay, I have to go."

"I'll be fine, go to work." Violet said.

"Okay." Gilbert said, waking to the door but stopped.

"What's the matter?" Asked Violet.

"Well, I want to ask you something before leaving." Said Gilbert.

"Okay, what is it?" Violet asked, sitting down.

"Well..." He said, walking back to Violet. "I've been thinking, if you wanted to find a place, you know, just for the two of us."

Violet was taken aback, just a little though. "Of course, I would love to." She said, walking to him and giving him a hug.

Gilbert returned the hug. "I love you..."

"I know, I love you too." Violet said, "Now go to work, you'll be late."

"Right, bye." Gilbert released the hug and kissed her cheek.

"Bye." Violet said.

Then Gilbert left the door.

Violet sat back down and packed her things for four days. Then she went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

She left the house with her Memory Doll uniform and her packed briefcase, and headed to the train station.

She slept the whole ride there until she reached her destination, a little further somewhere in Ctrigall is the border to Gardarik territory.

Even though Gardarik have formed an alliance treaty, they still kept their borders up.

When Violet came up to the gates, she was stopped by soldier guards of Gardarik, she recognised the uniform.

"Halt, state your purpose." One of the guards said.

"I'm Violet Evergarden, an Auto Memory Doll in Leidenshaftlich, one of your people have requested for one." Violet said, taking out her official licence and showing it to the guard.

The guard confirmed it and looked at his partner showing him the card. It seems his partner was with higher superiority, but the soldier who came up to Violet didn't wait for his partner, he walked up to Violet and grabbed her wrist.

He said, "Well, if you would like I'd be happy to escort you to the address." The man said, informally and if you were a bit more attentive, you can hear the interest in his voice.

Violet frowned at him and just said, "Thank you for the offer, but I can handle myself." Hinting that he should back off.

"Aww, come on, I'll treat you to some ale." The man didn't notice it and kept talking.

Violet didn't want to fight the man because of her pride as a soldier of Leiden, but as a citizen, she would like to give him a small punch.

"Sorry, but I'm taken." Violet said calmly, taking off his hand out of her wrist.

The man was about touch her when his partner suddenly yelled at him.

"Stop!" He said.

"What?" The man said.

His partner walked towards Violet. "You're the maiden soldier of Leidenshaftlich, right?"

Violet stood up straight and saluted. "Violet Evergarden, that is correct Sir."

The partner's eyes widened and bowed deeply. "I'm very sorry for what we did to your Major, please forgive us! And thank you for having mercy on us! Private! Bow!" He said, pulling the 'Private' down.

Violet was suprised, they were the ones who shot Gilbert? She was a bit mad but decided against it. She sighed and said, "Stand up properly, Sir. I have no right to be bowed to. Both of our sides were just fighting our battles, were new people now right?"

They stood up properly and said, "Right."
The man held out his hand to her. "I'm Sergeant Andrew and this here is Private Aron, he's my brother. We're still sorry for what we did, we have taken many lives in your side."

Violet shook both of their hands. "What we did out there will never be atoned, but we can continue in our lives and just God take care of us when the time comes."

They both smiled, "How wisdomous, please allow us to escort you inside."

"Okay, thank you very much." Violet replied.

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