Part Thirty-Four: Let's go back home

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After they ate breakfast, they walked around Kazaly, looking for Dietfried.

"We should split up, rendezvous in front of the cabin. It would be faster." Leon said.

Gilbert thought about it. 'It is a better plan than walking around.' "Okay then, let's split up and meet up at the cabin in half an hour. Do you agree Violet?" He said, looking at Violet's distracted face. "Violet?"

"Hmm? Yeah, yeah we'll meet up." Violet replied. Violet seemed distracted in Gilbert's eyes, he shook it off but kept it in mind for later. "Okaay then, I'm off."

Violet and Leon nodded, and went they're seperate ways.

Violet felt lightheaded, but shook it off, thinking she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. She went and searched for Dietfried. It wasn't that long until she saw Dietfried walking towards Iris' home.

She ran towards him, but stopped when she felt a headache come in when she ran.

Dietfried saw Violet, and walked towards her. "Hey, Violet look. I'm sorry for what I said, please know that that wasn't me." He said with apologetic eyes.

Violet just smiled softly, she understood and she doesn't think bad about Dietfried, the situation is over, though it never anything in the first place. "It's okay, I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it. I accept your apology."

"Oh, thank you." He said, looking diwn. Dietfried was happy he was forgiven, he was just thinking that what he said was wrong and should be reprimanded. Guess the feeling of emptiness is enough.

Dietfried didn't know what to do next really. Was he to go home, and forget what happened here? No, this adventure here was an experience.

That's right! He remembered everything now, though giving him a headache, he has to go back to Leiden and form a squad to put down the evil doings of the pirates that did this to him. But first, he'll talk to Violet about it.

He was about to talk to Violet, when he noticed her face a little pale than usual. "Hey, you okay?"

Violet turned to him, "Yeah, just a little dizzy." She replied. 'She felt light-headed, a small headache, and now dizzy? What's wrong with me?'

"You sure?" Dietfried's face is etched with concern. "Maybe you should sit down."

Violet didn't have energy to talk back, so she just accepted. "That sounds good." She walked with Dietfried to Iris' house.

"Violet! You're okay." Iris said, before taking a closer look at Violet's face. "Nevermind, are you feeling okay? You look a little pale."

Violet honestly doesn't what to say, she doesn't even know what's happening to her own body. She then, suddenly felt cold. "Do you mind if I borrow your jacket Dietfried?"

"Okay sure, but it's quite warm inside though." He said handing his borrowed jacket to Violet. He noticed Violet shivering, so he had a thought that popped up in his head. 'Maybe she has a fever.'

Dietfried put his hand against his own forehead before laying it on Violet's. 'It's warm.' "Violet, I think you should lay down, you have a high fever."

Violet said nothing to talk back and just layed down on the couch. "I need a favor to ask you though."

"What is it?" Dietfried asked.

"Gilbert and Leon are probably looking for me. I think you and Iris should tell them that you're alright and that I'm here. They're at this cabin and, or tavern. " Violet said, lightly.

"Yeah, I know that place." Iris replied.

'Gilbert's here?' "Okay, but are you going to be fine?" Dietfried asked.

"I'm fine, just a little fever won't kill me." Violet replied.

Dietfried just sighed, he knows that she'll be okay, but still. "Let's go Iris."

"Okay, We'll be back soon." Iris said, before going out the door.

Dietfried and Iris walked toward a cabin/tavern, seeing Gilbert and Leon looking around for Violet, until they met eyes with Dietfried.

"Dietfried. Are you hurt? I saw your blood on the train, what happened? Where's Violet?" Gilbert looked a little too frantic.

"I'm okay now, all patched up, but some pirates back home are not. I'll tell you all about it later when we go home since I'll want your help, and Violet's ill, she needs to rest." Dietfried explained.

"Okay, where's Violet?" Gilbert asked.

"She's at Iris' home, we'll be leaving in a couple hours, so get ready." Dietfried said.

"Huh? But you said Violet's sick." Gilbert said.

"Yes, but it'll be easier for us to care for her if we are at home." Dietfried explained.

Gilbert, understanding, nodded and followed Dietfried and Iris to where Violet was resting.

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