Part Fifteen: Party

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Violet walked downstairs to greet everyone for the party. She walked down the stairs, looking lovely as ever and greeted the guests.

"Good Evening, everyone!" Violet's voice resounded aroud the living room.


"Happy Birthday!"

"Nice dress!"

Comments towards Violet were said. She was happy that everyone wasn't bored waiting for her. She smiled at them brightly.

"Violet! Over here!" Iris and Benedict hollered.

Violet walked across the room slowly, still recovering from her wound.

"Hey, thank you for coming." Violet bowed.

"Yup! As long as there's good food call me!" Benedict said while stuffing his face with appetizers.

Iris sighed, "Don't mind him, he's just upset that he got stood up by his date."

Violet chuckled, "No, it's okay, as long as you are satisfied, take as much as food you like. Just be respectful in eating." she said. "Because everyone is staring." she whispered.

Just now noticing everyone staring, Benedict gulped the food down, "Oops." Rubbing the back of his head.

"Hey Violet!" said Cattleya, dragging Claudia along with him.

"You doing alright?" said Cattleya.

"Yeah, I heard you were mugged!" Claudia added.

"Really?" said Iris.

"No, more like made hostage." Violet said.

"That isn't any better! Were you hurt?" asked Cattleya.

"Got stabbed, but it's nothing." Violet said carelessly.

A couple of guests gasped at the declaration.

"Uhh, Violet, getting stabbed isn't nothing." said Claudia, sweatdropping.

"Hmm, so getting shot isn't normal?" Violet said dumbfounded.

"You got SHOT?!" said by multiple guests including her co-workers.

"Yeah, a few weeks after living here in Leidenschaftlich, I got shot by a bystander, saying that I destroyed his life and I quickly dismissed him." said Violet, like they were the ones who were weird.

The night continued on with Violets 'war stories' as they called it, while she called it 'a weekend'.

As guests started to leaving, Violet was getting tired. She said her goodbyes and good nights, and went upstairs to sleep.

What a party.

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