Part Twenty-Six: I know you can do it

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Liam's and Lucas' team were all at the office.

"This is the perfect time to go to their base, we have a lead on where the Red Scorpions' base is, from the Interrogation team." said James.

"But we need more man-power." Lucas intervened.

"I agree, we're only 7 plus the Lieutenant. And addintion to our cons, we don't even know how many members they have." Liam said. "We could contact the other offices and stations in Leiden, but we don't even know if they'll help us."

"They'll agree to help me." Gilbert said. "I didn't say this before because I didn't need their help before but...they'll help me. As second heir to the Bougainvillea family, they are loyal to me because of my connections."

"Okay then, all we need is a plan, we can't just go bust in there." Lt. Keelan said.

"I can help with that as well, I didn't want to brag but, I'm not called a battle tactician for nothing." Gilbert said, smirking. "Everyone agreed say aye."

"Aye!" Said all six of them.

"Then let's start."

After a couple of hours of planning, Gilbert concluded.

"Okay so, I will contact a SWAT team, then I will tell them our plan, which is just in case. Since most likely the SWAT will give us 30 or more. We'll split the SWAT team and our team into 3 stations."

Gilbert pointed to the Leidenshaftlich Map. "The first team is the HQ, where we'll have radios to contact each other in case something goes wrong. The second team is the B team or back-up team, this team will be tge extras who will catch and collect the RS (Red Scorpions) members that try to escape and cage them up. They will be staying outside the base, surrounding it. And the third team, the frontal assault team, they will go inside the base first, and sweep the floors so that the second team can capture the convicts."

"For this to work as effective as possible, I want Lt. Keelan and Liam with me in the HQ. I want Lucas to lead the B team, Tyler will be joining him. And lastly, I want Mori and James to be the ones who will contact HQ just in case, you'll be led by my friend Hodgins who was a former Lt. Colonel and wanted to join. The SWAT team will divide into two, one going in the second team and one going in the third team." Gilbert concluded.

"We'll set out tommorow at the break of dawn, does anyone have questions?" Gilbert asked.

"What about Violet?" Lucas asked.

"What about her?" Gilbert said.

"Well, she'll be waiting until tomorrow, will she be okay?" Lucas wondered.

"She can wait, she'll wait for us." Gilbert said. 'She can stall with a bunch of convicts. I know she can do it."

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