Part Thirty-Four: Battle Scars

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"Dietfried?!" Iris shouted.

Dietfried turned from his seat, looking confused and asking, "Who are you?"

Violet, who was sitting across him, said to Iris. "He doesn't remember anything, he thinks we're still at war with Gardirik."

"And we're not?" Dietfried said.

"No, we aren't, not anymore. The north and south formed a peace treaty." Violet explained.

Iris understood the situation, and walked inside to help Violet.

Iris' parents decided that it was best if they stayed out of the conversation, seeing that Iris and Violet know him, and they don't. So they decided to have a longer stroll around the village.

Iris sat down. "So what do you remember?"

"We were in Intense, Gilbert was leading his troop, while I was with reinforcements, and waited for his signal. Then, he signaled and we followed. The enemy lost and gunfire were gone. I, and couple others were waiting for..."

Dietfried trailed off, thinking. "Gilbert! Where is he? Is he safe? Is he alive? Did you find him?" He said with alert eyes, then he looked at Violet.

"You. You were with him! What happened?!" He shouted.

Violet looked down. She remembered all the horrible mistakes she made. She killed without mercy. Shot at every who was an enemy. Not even factoring the fact that those soldiers had lives. Lives of their own. Families and friends that they loved. They were just fighting for they're home. Just like what she and the others did. They fought for their home. And sacrificed a lot to save it. Even lives.

Dietfried thought Gilbert was gone, and by the look on Violet's face, he thought it was her fault. "What good are you a tool, if you let your owner to die?!" He was furious, at that moment, he hated that Violet was guilty. Even if she didn't tell what was she guilty for.

She tightened her grip on her mechanical arms. 'Losing your arms isn't the same as losing someone you care for, or losing ones life.' She gritted her teeth.

"I'm not a tool! Not anymore! I didn't lose him! I never had. I kept him in my heart, and had faith that he'll come back. That he'll forgive me for leaving him, even though he told me to!" She said recalling what he said to her.

"Live...and be free. From the bottom of my heart... I love you."

She stormed out, forgeting her manners and attitude. She recalled what Claudia told her.

Hodgins: "You haven't realized that that everything you've done so far has sparked a flame that is now burning you up."

Violet: "But I'm not on fire."

Hodgins: "You most definitely are. You'll understanding what I'm saying one day. And, for the first time, you'll notice all your burn marks."

She understood what he meant. She finally understood. Even life she had taken is a flame that burns her. Considering how many she did take. She should be on fire, slowly burning, yet no one seeing.

She sat on a foreign field, but didn't care. She hugged her knees. And for the first time in her life. Tears ran down her face, never ending. It's not that she never cried before, but she never let her emotions run her actions. She cried and cried, putting her head on her knees. She cried so much that her flames have been extinguished, but leaving burns on her, emotional scars.

Fights can be forgiven, but never forgotten. Thus, leaving scars.

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