Part Twenty-Three: State Officer

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Violet and Jewel said their goodbyes and headed home.

Gilbert was bored, he doesn't have the military keeping him occupied anymore. But that's a good thing, Violet and I can live a normal life now. But I still need a job.

How about I go to the office, see if any of them have a job for me. I don't want to let Violet work by herself. That's it, once I get a good job, I'll get a apartment for the both of us.

Gilbert went out the door in his semi-formal wear and went to the office.

"Mmm, maybe being a state officer is not that bad. I qualify the tests, and I also have experience in the field already. It's settled then, I'll apply for a position." he said then entering the room wear they give out forms.

"Why are you applying for a position kid? Aren't you too young to be a officer?" said a man who is applying as well. He looked like he was in his late 20s to early 30s.

"You should know better to underestimate someone sir." He smiled softly.

"Whatever." The man mumbled.

Gilbert just sighed and continued to complete the form. He gave the form to James, who was in charge of collecting the forms. James was about to salute, then Gilbert quickly shook his head. "We're not in duty anymore, stand down." He whispered. James nodded.

Gilbert waited in his seat, hoping that he can start a new life, where they know him as a state officer instead of a battle tactian.

"Major Gilbert Bougainvillea" 'So close.'


A lot of gasps and murmurs were released.

'Sigh' He didn't really like attention.

He walked in a room with obstacles. He easily passed and went inside the office of Lieutenant Keelan, where they take a badge, gun and a pair of handcuffs, along with two sets of state officer uniform.

"Good Morning Sir." He said as he knocked on the door.

The Lieutenant, not even looking up said, "Sit down." 'Mmm, another recruit huh? Let's see here, mmm......Gilbert Bougainvillea? Sounds familiar......Recent Field Experience.....Major of the Leiden Military!?' He stood up and saluted. "Sir! Forgive me for my attitude."

"No, no, it's okay. I'm not in duty anymore, so I decided to see if I can apply a position here." He stood up as well, scratching the back of his head.

"Of course, sir. I would be honored to be working with you." He said, sweating.

"Okay then, when do I start?" Gilbert said, smiling.

"You can start tomorrow sir, you have the uniform, badge, and gun in the bag sir." Keelan said.

"Yeah, okay thank you. And drop the sir, you're my superior now."

"Okay then, see you tomorrow..."

"Private. From now on you treat me like one of the newbies."

Gilbert took the bag, bowed then, exited the office. He was tired. He opened the door, showing Violet sitting on the steps, removing her shoes.

He smiled, "Okairi, Violet."

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