Part Fifty-Three: Mission 5

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"Go search the other cabins, I'll take care of this one." Gilbert ordered.

'What? Why is he here?' Violet thought, but was cut short when Gilbert tried to kick her.

She dodged and ducked to avoid his attacks. She just dodged and didn't want to fight. She tried to talk but all that was heard with her mask on was load mumbling.

She tried her best to dodge all his attacks, but got hit by some of them. She couldn't talk to him if she was knocked out and maybe even killed, so she had to fight back.

Violet turned into a more offensive stance and planned to pin Gilbert down as fast as she could without injuring him.

She jabbed and kicked and charged at him, but she couldn't really pull through with any of it. She had to pin him down, so she decided to just do it.

When Gilbert stood up to punch her face, she immediately grabbed his arm and throwed him against the wall quite harshly, but she didn't mean that, he was heavy.

She sat on his back and tugged his hands tightly, trying to make Gilbert surrender.

But Gilbert didn't, he noticed the person who sat on him was light, too light to be a adults, this person he was fighting was a child. He suddenly felt guilty fighting a child warrior, a child who was trained to fight, just like Violet.

Little did he know was that Violet is the actual person who pinned him. He sighed and said, "I give up, you may capture me or something."

Then Gilbert was suprised when the 'child' let go of his hands and stood up. The 'child' backed away from him and raised his hands just above his head, signalling surrender. Violet slowly removed her mask revealing who she was.

Gilbert was shocked and thoughts ran through his head. 'Violet's here? Does she work here? No, she would she probably was baited. But I thought she was still sleeping, whatever.'

"Explain." He ordered, not as a Sergeant nor as a boyfriend, as a Major of the Leiden Military.

Violet recognised that voice, and her body automatically answered. Her body straightened, her chin was up and she looked at her commanding officer sternly.

"S. Private Violet Evergarden, Sir, I was tricked, those people who called themselves fishermen said that they were endangered by government officials. They hired me as a unauthorized bodyguard, I'm sorry Sir. I will recieve the deserved punishment." Violet said.

She said it monotonously just like during the war, which wince inwardly, he didn't think Violet deserved punishment for being tricked and served as a bodyguard to the high-end assassins, she thought she was doing something good, she is justified.

But that wasn't up to him to decide.

"It's alright, for sure a trial will be held about this though it is only a misunderstanding, we will continue this later, you will join our forces and help us capture these theifs and assassins. Your job is to collect them, if they refuse, you may kill them but bring the bodies outside as they have bounties on their heads." Gilbert explained.

"Yes Major!" Violet said, running further inside the ship.

Gilbert frowned a bit, but his face did not falter and continued on to his job. 'I have to check on the knocked out recruits.'

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