Part Seven: Peaceful Night

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"How do we date?"

The night continued on with the couple getting a few answers on dating. Sure, there weren't alot they got from the three, but it was enough to get the concept of it.

After the long night, the three(Claudia, Cattleya, and Iris) went on to their homes, while Violet stayed the night, informing the Evergarden Residence beforehand.

"So...umm, where am I going to sleep?" Violet was comfortable with Gilbert, but she wasn't sure if Gilbert was comfortable with was annoying.

"Uhh, where do you want to?" Gilbert said awkwardly.

"Well, if it's alright, I'd like to sleep with you?" she said asking him, as if she said 'Can I?'

Gilbert sighed of relief thinking the same thing as her. He smiled then said, "Of course." He set the futon down on the empty space of the living room and took a blanket out of his closet. "I don't have any pillows though, I like sleeping without one, sorry."

"No, it's okay, as long there's a bed I'm fine" she chuckled.

Gilbert blushed a little, he never heard her chuckle, but now it is one of the many things she loved about her.

They laid down and began thinking about their relationship about each other, then drifting off to sleep a little while later.

Later that night, Gilbert woke up to go to the toilet. When he came back he saw that the small window he had in the apartment, was open.

He walked over and closed it, as he did so, he saw Violet shivering. He took the blanket that was folded, and covered her with it. Then he carefully laid back down, as to not wake Violet up, and cuddled her.

'I guess I'll find a job tomorrow.' he thought. 'I need some money if I'm going to treat her.' he said yawning. Then he as well sleeps.

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