Part Fifty: Mission Part 2

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(This one's a filler.)

Gilbert finished his dicussion with Dietfried and went back to his office, still in his uniform, not wanting to change.

When he went through the door, he removed his cap and sat down in the small lounge they have for sitting, and he leaned back on his chair.

Gilbert sighed heavily, and was so carried by his thoughts that he didn't noticed the officers and civilians looking and whispering about him.

"Who's that?" Said a civilian.

"I don't know, I don't know that a..." the officer, Sergeant Liam, looked intently at the uniform and was searching for the man's title. "...Major was providing a search today."

James casually went into the room, ready to eat lunch, unaware that Gilbert was in the room. James sat down and finally noticed Gilbert there.

He stood up staight and quickly, and raised his hand just above his eyebrow to salute.

Gilbert sighed and stood up, wearing back his cap on. "What are you doing James."

When Gilbert stood up, the civilians and officers who were eavesdropping, took seconds to recover, then went back to their business.

The officers who were eavesdropping, went inside as well, presenting themselves.

"Sergeant Liam Rowe, Sir."

"Sergeant Lucas Mellor, Sir."

"Private Tyler Bates, Sir."

"Private James O'Neil, Sir."

Gilbert thought, 'This should be fun, they haven't recognized me yet.' "ABOUT FACE!"

The officers turned around and faced the wall, still curious on who the commanding officer was.

"Sergeant Rowe." Gilbert called.

"Sergeant Liam Rowe, Sir!"

"Are you the commanding officer today?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Please recite all your officers here, in order by status. As well as your recent commanding officer."

"Yes Sir! Lieutenant Colonel Keelan, Sergeant Rowe, Sergeant Mellor, Sergeant Bougainvillea-"

He was cut off by Gilbert, "Oh? Where is Bougainvillea? I thought only Lt. Colonel is out for the day."

"Bougainvillea had some business with Navy Captain Bougainvillea, Sir."

"Mm, okay then, who were the civilians outside."

"They are applicants, sir. They want to see if we are offering positions, with we are not. If you want sir, I will lead them out."

"No need. Plus, I heard this office has the least officers so maybe a couple more recruits might help your reputation."

"If your fine with that, Sir."

"Hmm, have you all had lunch?"

Liam and the others synchronized, "No Sir."

"Good, I'll buy you all lunch, after I question some applicants. At ease, and dismissed."

When the officers started to scatter, all of them realized who the person was.

"Serge- Major Gilbert?!" James screamed. "Why are wearing your uniform today?"

"You see, I had a meeting with the Navy Captain today. Speaking of which, Liam, can I talk to you for a second?"

Liam nodded and went Gilbert's way. "Yes, Major?"

"Do you recommend yourself or any other officer here for a Special Ops. Mission? Of course not all of you can come but, having more officers there can be reassuring." Gilbert asked.

"Oh, well, Major, I, for one will not be joining, for I will be taking care of the office here. As for recommendations, I recommend Private James for his experience and Sergeant Lucas for his stealth." Liam answered.

"Okay then, I trust your intuition, dissmised." Gilbert said.

Liam saluted and went back to the others.

"ATTENTION!" Gilbert called again.

The officers formed a line and stood straight.

"Private James and Sergeant Lucas, step forward."

"Private James O'Neil, Sir."

"Sergeant Lucas Mellor, Sir."

"I will issue you a mission, this mission is a Special Ops. one, I will be asking you two if you want to join me. O'Neil, answer."

James stepped forward, "Yes Major, I'll be joining you." Then stepping back.

"Good, Mellor, answer."

"Yes Sir, I will be joining you."

"Good thank you, I will be expecting that you will be doing your best?" Gilbert asked for confirmation.

Both nodded.

"Very Good, now please see who is suited to become an officer, outside with the civilians, at eased, dissmised." Gilbert ordered.

Tyler went out the door, and went back in, "Umm, sir, the recruits left."

"Hmm, maybe it's not mean't to be." Gilbert said. "Let's go."

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