Part Ten: Worry

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"Night!" Both said embarrassed, even if they didn't know why. They both just were. "What did I do?/What did he do?"

They both slept thinking about what happened tonight.

The next morning, Violet thought that it would be awkward to see Gilbert. So she decided that she would focus on working, atleast until noon. She actually missed his hugs and well as his kiss.

She wasn't quite sure how she felt about the kiss, all she knew was that she wanted more. She continued to distract herself from Gilbert, but that only lasted until her shift was over. She missed him already, feeling something heavy on her chest as she long for him.

She wanted to see him, but she hesitated because of the fact that he might say, 'I regret kissing you or even being with you in the first place.'

She was scared. Scared that someone who she loves, doesn't love her back. That they pretended to love her out of pity. Needless to say, she was petrified of never being loved in the first place. She was exhausted of all that worrying she did that without thinking, she fell asleep on one of the writing desks.

Gilbert was worried that Violet didn't want to see him anymore because of what he did. He was devastated when it was 5 minutes before 8 pm and hasn't contacted him.

But now he was worried for Violet's sake, what if she was kidnapped or didn't get home safely? Now he was scared that something might have happened to her.

Without a monents hesitation, he ran out the door and first went to her individual apartment. When he heard from a elderly postman that she hasn't been home yet, his heart beat fastened.

He went to the CH Post Company, not caring if someone recognised him. He opened the company doors and went to the Auto Memory Doll room. He opened door and politely said, "Please excuse me." When he opened his eyes, he didn't see anyone.

All the typewriters and letters were tidied. He sighed heavily and was about to head out the door when he heard a snore. It was faint but he could hear it clearly. Being a specialist in the art of stealth had its perks.

He walked over to where the snores were, only to find a lock of hair on a desk. He saw Violet's gentle and relaxed face. He sighed of relief and decided that he would carry her to his home, which is closest.

He carried her bridal style, and walked home. He was relieved that she wasn't in any harm even though he didn't doubt her self-defense skills, he was just worried for her.

When they entered into the apartment, Gilbert removed her jacket and wrapped her with the blanket before laying the futon down. He carried Violet and laid her on the futon.

While he sat at the couch, he thought, 'You look so beautiful when you're sleeping.'

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