Part Twelve: Titles

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"Thank you Major Bougainvillea, We'll take it from here." said the officer, bowing to Gilbert before taking off.

Gilbert bowed as well and sees a familiar face walking towards him.

"Master Gilbert! You're alive! Are you okay? Are you injured?" said the medic that works in the Bougainvillea Residence, patting Gilbert's body, checking for wounds. Then the medic recognised his eye.

"Your eye!" said the medic, seeing that his was sewn shut.

"Never mind me, we'll talk about it later. My...girlfriend have been wounded, please attend to her needs first." Gilbert said, bowing to her.

"Of course!" Then the medic recognised Violet."Isn't this Miss Violet? The one you brought home years ago?"

Gibert replied by nodding.

"Then I'll carry on then." she said gesturing to her partner to help her carry Violet on the gurney. They both put Violet on the gurney and then on the ambulance.

"We'll be going then. Hope to see you soon Master Gilbert." she said before leaving the area.

Gilbert sighed, then saw Claudia walking towards him.

"The man looked beaten up pretty badly, what'd you do to him?" asked Claudia, remembering the man's bruised face.

"I gave him a punch, just to knock him out." said Gilbert, nonchalantly.

"Then you must be a hard hitter." said Claudia, chuckling. "Anyways, the confrontation will be sooner than expected."

"Yeah. I kind off don't know where to start, you know?" said Gilbert, running his hand through his thick navy hair. "I'm more worried about Violet."

"Don't worry man, they already know her well." said Claudia, making an effort to comfort his friend's worries.

"Not that, I already know they accept Violet."

"Then, what?" asked Claudia.

"She's wounded, I'm worried." Gilbert said, making a face.

"Remember, she survived a war. Hell, she even fought in it." said Claudia, thinking 'Did he forget she fought with him?'

"I know that, I just can't help feeling worried. I mean, I often feel worried for Violet before, but it just feels different."

Claudia made a knowing face. "You may be my superior but you're still young and helpless when it comes to stuff like this." He looked at Gilbert, "You're her boyfriend now, that answers that."

Claudia left Gilbert to think about it. Then he smiled to himself, 'You've grown up Gil.'

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