Part Forty-Five: Leaning on someone

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"Hey, you okay?" Gilbert said in the most softest voice he could.

"Yeah, just got a little cold, no need to make a commotion." Violet said. She was drowsy but she mustered all the strength she could.

She felt awful. Her body felt so hot, but at the same time, she felt cold. She was a bit light-headed and a headache was forming in the front of her head, making her distracted.

"Okay, look we're going to be leaving soon so we'll just say our goodbyes and I'm going to carry you to the train station." Gilbert said, smiling softly at her.

"Oh, I'm not that weak, I can walk on my own." Violet replied.

"I know you're not weak. But since this is most likely the first time you're sick, your body is easily tired." Gilbert tried to explain. He sighed lightly and said, "Just let me do this for you, okay?"

Violet looked at his eyes, and just accepted, nodding in the process.

Gilbert smiled, "Okay I'll be right back." He said, kissing her cheek and then, walking towards his brother and Leon.

"I'm very sorry for causing you trouble." Dietfried said to the Canary's. ('Canary' is Iris' last name.) Bowing for his trouble.

"Oh no, It's completely fine. It was nice helping someone in need." The Canary's said.

"But please accept my reward for helping my brother." Gilbert added. "I will be sending you a small item of my appreciation on behalf of the Bougainvillea family heir, my brother." He proposed.

"Oh, please, you are too kind, all we did is help someone in need like any person would." Mr. Canary said.

"And you were the person who helped him, so please. I insist, it is for my greatest gratitude." Gilbert said bowing.

The Canary's looked at each other and solemnly nodded. "Okay then, if you insist. Please have a good trip home." They said, smiling softly at the brothers.

"We will." Gilbert and Dietfried said together. Then stood up straight, "We will be leaving now." And then they walked off.

Gilbert carefully carried Violet in his arms, not wanting to wake her up. He carried her and walked to the train station with his brother and Leon. They got on the train and sat down.

Gilbert and Violet sat together, with Violet still sleeping, leaning on Gilbert for support and is covered with Gilbert's uniform jacket.

While Leon and Dietfried sat across from them. Dietfried has his tattered uniform in a bag, his bandages showing a little and was wearing borrowed clothes from Mr. Canary.

Leon spoke in the middle of the ride. "The next stop is where I'm getting off so, it was nice meeting you all."

"Yeah, of course and thank you for taking care of Violet. You have my thanks." Gilbert said with sincere eyes.

"You have mine too, Violet is like a little sister to me, I am happy this cold she has didn't further." Dietfried said.

Gilbert smiled at Dietfried, this was the first time he heard his brother talk of someone so fondly.

"Well, thank you as well, please tell Violet my goodbye." Leon said, before leaving on the stop of the train.

Gilbert nodded, and leaned against the chair, he held Violet close to him, before sleeping and unconsciously laying his head on Violet's.

Dietfried smiled at the scene. 'I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you both, I hope you can forgive me. But not now.'

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