Facing the Past

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Kylie's POV

I watched as Amanda stared at me in horror.

"Please tell me thats not true." She whispered.

"Im sorry." I whispered again.

She nodded. Her tears fell rapidly onto the ground while she hugged her knees to her chest. I rushed to her side and hugged her.

"Amanda you need Nathan." I urged her to call him but she didnt want to give away this secret place. I sighed.

Amanda's POV

"Amanda you need Nathan." Kylie begged and begged me to call Nathan but I denied. Perks of being stubborn; you get what you want. Most of the times.

"Then how about this. You meet him at the edge of the forest or some other place while I stay here and work on making this place more exciting." Kylie offered. That didnt seem like a bad idea actually. I get to meet Nathan and he wont have to know about this place. Perfect.

"Alright" I gave in. "Call me if you need anything kay?"

She nodded then ushered me up the stairs. I laughed. I wiped away my previous tears and sent Nath a text.

'Meet me at the park? -Amanda xx'

'SHE LIVES!!! I'd love too. See you there love.- Nathan xx'

I smiled as I continued walking down the path. He can always cheer me up. I left the forest and walked the familiar path to the park. I looked from side to side as dozens of kids played on the playground, played tag, things I loved to do as a kid. Then I felt arms wrap around me from behind. I stopped walking.

"Rapist." I muttered.

"What was that?" He said.


I spun around and kissed his cheek.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"All my life!" I finished. He looked confused.

"No?" I questioned him. He shook his head.

"I see youre not a fan of Rihanna." I said with a laugh.

"Oooooohhhhhh" He said.

"Nath youre lucky youre cute nd a good singer or else you would have been hopeless."

He gave me a grin. We fell into step as we walked throughtout the park.

"In all seriousness, where have you been?" Nath asked.


"Can you pleeeeeeeeeeeeease tell me?" He begged.

"Well when you put it like that......" I started. His eyes lit up in hope. "No." His face fell again.

"Im sorry Nath! I promsed Kylie that it would be our secret place. And thats where we're styaing for the time being."

"Amanda as long as youre safe and happy, then Im ok with it." Nathan said reasurringly. I thought he would be mad. He's the seetest thing ever. Maybe I can show him.

"Nathan would you like...a hint of where it is?" I said quietly. He nodded. Ooo maybe I can make it a rhyme....Hmmm

"A secret opening is what you seek.....And that is where we will meet." I stated simply. He furrowed his eyebrows together. Then they lit up.

"I think I know where that is. I know two places actually." He said excitedly.

He took my hand and ran behind the flat. Nearby was a big bush. Scratch that. MASSIVE bush. But I dont think the inside is a bush though.... Nathan pushed aside some of the branches and led me into the bush. In the middle was a small garden with a bird bath. It was beautiful.

"Oh wow Nath." How the heck did he find this place?

"I found this when I was wandering around this area. I tripped over a branch and fell into this bush." He said. Mind reader. Im certain I didnt say that out loud.

"Well this place is..wow but its not this place. Sorry."

"Ok well lets go to the second place." He said. He led me to the opening of Kylie and I's secret hideout. Oh no...

"Is this the place?" He asked. I didnt answer. He rubbed my hand then walked into the bush. The woods ended and the garden started. The familiar stream turned in to beautiful sparkling waterfall. He spotted the stairs and we walked down them. Kylie was listening to music when she saw us. Her face erupted into a huge grin.

"You finally agreed on bringing him." She said.

I shrugged. "He kinda found this place himself."

She looked surprised. "Oh..."

Nathan scratched his neck. "Uhh do you guys want me to leave."

"Stay." Kylie and I said at the same time. He nodded. He finally took in his surroundings.

"Wow. You guys did a good job on this place." He complimented. "I wouldnt mind staying here."

"Then why dont you?" Kylie said. I stared at her in surprise. She gave me a look before turning baack to Nathan.

"Well the guys-"

"Forget about them! You guys start tour tomorrow. Just relax here!" Kylie pleaded.

"Nath she wont take no for an answer." I said while laughing. Kylie gave a childish grin and nodded. Nathan sighed then nodded.

"I wanna get my swim trunks first though."

"I'll come with you." Kylie spoke up quickly. Why is she ascting all weird all of a sudden. Oh my god. She doesnt like Nathan does she?

Kylie's POV

Nathan walked in a comfortable silence back to the house. I stopped him when we reached the door.

"Stay here. I'll get your swim trunks." I ordered. Her opened his mouth to protest be I shushed him. I pushed open the door and tip toed inside. I went to their room and grabbed Nath's swim trunks then I went back downstairs and handed them to him.

'Arent y-"

"Im not going. Today, you can spend the day with Amanda." I said with a smile. "Im gonna try to talk to Liam." I mumbled.

Nathan pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Kylie." He whispered into my ear.

"No problem. Its the least I can do since I cancelled your little date when we went to the amusement park."

He smiled, waved to me the walked off. I shut the door and slid down it with m eyes closed. Its time to face the past.


Amanda's POV

I waited impatiently. I tapped my foot, listened to music stared at the trees. But my mind kept wandering back to Nathan and Kylie. Then were gone for quite a while now. I stood up and jumped across the rocks in the pond before I went to the bridge.

"Amanda?" A voice called out. I turned my head to the staircase. Nathan smiled at me when I caught his eye. I forced a smile. He rushed down the stairs and joined me at the bridge.

"I know expecting Kylie to be here but you left us here so that we can spend some time together."

I take back everything I said. Kylie is the sweetest pereson I have ever met. I smiled.


Yeah I know it sucks. I've got writer's block. :( Bleh

I also left you guys on a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of Kylie's POV. :)

I'll try to update soon!!!


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