Creatures of the Nigh | A Selection RP OC | Mingyu Zhang

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Role: China

Name: Mingyu Zhang

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Face Claim: Zhang Bin Bin

Birthplace: Shanghai, China

Personality: He is a very happy guy, you will always see a smile on his face. He wants people to see that there is nothing wrong because he knows even if they saw him sad, they wouldn't care enough to ask. He has been able to make due with being alone, which makes him talk to himself or objects to make him feel a little better. He is a helpful guy, huge heart, and it tends to bite him in the butt on occasions. He doesn't want recognition for the things he does, which is part of why he keeps his superhero persona a secret. He is good at keeping secrets, because he mostly forgets about them because he has no reason or anybody to tell them too. You know if you say something to him, he isn't going to tell anyone. That kinda makes him a pansy at times because people abuse that part of him by telling him things that are bad that they know he will never say. So, it burdens him down, even though he appears to be okay and collected.

Backstory: He grew up in a modest family, they had money but they didn't flaunt it. They always helped anyone who needed it, never spending it on lavish things. They had worked so hard to be where they are at, Mingyu never takes anything for granted. His mother, Mei-Lin works in their families flower shop along with his father, Yixing who tends to the garden in the backyard of their house/shop. He is an only child and doesn't mind, he is very close with his family, he loves them dearly. He did pretty well in school, he just now graduated from college as none other than a nurse and is now interning at a local hospital.

Other: He has a German Shepard puppy named Brownie, who he took in off the streets. | He likes watching historical dramas, even fantasy historical ones, he finds them fascinated. | Everyday he reads all his text books for being a nurse and even some doctor books incase he would ever need it. | He can sing but he only does it to pass the time when he is busy. |

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