THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! | a roleplay oc | Heymi Sim

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ROLE: Crybaby

NAME: Heymi Sim

AGE: Seventeen | Junior

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

FACECLAIM: Iaan | Yoo Dongju (Neonpunch)

PERSONALITY: When you get to know this girl she is a chatterbox

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PERSONALITY: When you get to know this girl she is a chatterbox. She can talk and talk and you will just want her to shut up. She enjoys talking around peoppe she knows because it makes her be able to express what she can't around other people. If something is worded the wrong way or said in a tone that wasn't what it was meant to be she will ball her eyes out. She is really sensitive and will cry at almost everything. She has a super big heart and wears her heart on her sleeve so much that people have to tread lightly with her. Her anxiety is super bad, so bad that she has to go to therapy and even then she's doesn't really talk a whole lot. It mostly is social anxiety but other things cam turn into her having a panic attack. It isn't good when she does and she will run off until she can calm down and compose herself. She has really bad mood swings at times and can be crappy, depressing, you name it she can be it. She always apologizes for what she does and she is really sad about it. She feels really bad about how she acts and she tries not to let things bother her. She is really sweet and truly cares about everyone even if they don't care about her.

LIKES: Tea, she drinks a lot of tea. She will often be found sipping on tea, whether it is iced or hot, she loves it. If you wanna break the ice get her some tea better yet make her some tea. | Sleep, she loves sleep. She often falls asleep at odd times and when she does she wakes up. She enjoys sleep more than the average person and will cuddle up to anything. | Rain - She adores when it rains, it is a calming and peaceful time, the rain cleans the air and makes it pure again. She does love playing around in the rain, it had always been the highlight of her childhood. | Cooking - She does enjoy cooking a a lot, it is calming for her so if she is upset or in a bad mood she is cooking but she gives the food away she makes. | Nights - She adores the night including all the stars that are in the sky, she could stay up all night if she could, but she can't, she has a job to do. |

DISLIKES: Being Sick - She hates when she gets sick, she feels miserable and just wants to sleep until she is better. She hates how when she is sick she is unable to do anything and has to be taken care of because they are sometimes that bad. | Being Yelled At - She doesn't like being yelled at, it really makes her feel small and scared. Her father yelled at her mother all the time and called her names, she would be hiding in her room shaking at times. |

STRENGTHS: Being told that she can do something, gives her strength to do what she knows she needs too. She honestly doesn't have many, but as long as she has people to help boost her confidence and tell her she can do it, she will do it |  Her need to help others, since she will do anything (within the law) to make sure everyone is okay in the end. It doesn't matter who they are, if someone needs help, she will help them, even if she is being told not to |

FEARS: Losing the people she loves. It may seen silly, but it is hard to loss people you love. The pain is worse than a romance breaking up, because friendships has many different levels and when they all get broken it really hurts a person. It changes a person, not for the better, but for the worst | Roaches, she has a healthy fear of them and will scream and panic, mostly high tail it out of the room since she hates them more than anything | Thunderstorms, as silly as it is, loud noises really get her and made her uneasy. She will likely be found talking to herself during a thunderstorm to clam herself down | Death, that scared her more than anything since it's more of what she is missing and leaving behind than anything else. | the people she loves dying or getting hurt, she will end up feeling like it was her fault and could easily get survivors guilt, which would be horrible for her. Very traumatizing for her |

BACKSTORY: She doesn't have much of a back story. She has an older brother who is in college, her mother stays at home and her father works as an attorney. She was always at the top of her classes and had straight As throughout her whole schooling so far. She has a few colleges that wish for her to come and she is having a hard time figuring out.

OTHER: She works at a bookstore while she is taking online college classes for being an architect, since that has been her dream since she was young. | She has always wanted a pet but has been unable to have one due to being busy and never really being home to take care of one since she lives with her parents. | She is allergic to pollen but it is managed by medication, however she sometimes forgets to take it or it stops working since the time for it to work has ran out. |


Yeah I know the rp is no more but I am still putting my oc here in case it comes back and to show I finished it and am a good little girl XD

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